There is nothing adequate about this story or the way it was written. This was fantastic. +1
Typical locker room stuff, guys. All men do it.
Last summer, I was old enough to know better, but I guess I was still young enough to still do something stupid.
They should never have let the state economy become so dependent on a volatile non-renewable commodity which required massive subsidies to extract and causes permanent damage to land and water. That was unsustainable from day one. Now instead of funding windmills and solar panels, they’re gutting schools to maintain…
She has a book coming out next year about the subject, promising “highly tactical, solution-oriented content” for women in the office.
We need to have a serious conversation about consent in this country, because too many people just don’t get it. And that is completely inexcusable.
He bragged at a party that he had in his possession “a tape of Trump being a real dog.” These remarks prompted members of the Access Hollywood staff to locate it.
Instant Pot. Hands down. Ever since we got this thing our slow cooker has been obsolete.
Instant Pot. Hands down. Ever since we got this thing our slow cooker has been obsolete.
He looked like a big gorilla prowling the set
I can’t believe that Billy Bush lost his job as an entertainment reporter over these comments, but over 40% of the country still wants Trump to be PRESIDENT.
Karl Becker, an undecided voter who has definitely dealt with fighting preschoolers before, asked in the last question of the night.
OMG. That’s what’s behind the hair. He’s growing it so he can let it down out of a window and someone can climb up it.
America is very guilty of ignoring Trump’s racist statements and actions but the outrage is not coming from the “insult” to the (hot white) host on that video - it’s the description of assault. He already insulted “hot white women” many times, including Megan Kelly. The leaked video is more like if he was on video…
I love that she’s wearing a cross while defending a guy who is nearly the complete opposite of everything Jesus represented.
Just did the math — I’ve been disgusted by Sean Penn for six years longer than his new girlfriend has been alive.
“I can see Santa Fe from my house!”
This is my favorite: