
-Joseph Goebbels

I get the indifference to this: when a presidential candidate talks like he was raised in the gutter, a bit of graffiti looks quaint.

Who edited this post and thought that transition from Robin William’s dementia to “the death drive” sentence was a good idea? How awkward and poorly constructed.

This has always been an issue for me with rehab programs or the like. I quit drinking for almost an entire year and went to AA meetings for about a month, but I just couldn’t buy into the idea that someone is always going to be an alcoholic. In these programs, there’s no middle ground where someone who had a drinking

How dare someone—a Kennedy no less!—listen to the words of not just a man, but an old man.

mediocre, white people movies

The difference, besides the fact that pain meds are legal and heroin isn’t, is that doctors and pharmacies prescribe and sell the drugs with the presumption of good faith on the part of the patient—that the patient is going to use the drugs to treat a condition and is going to use them as directed. Selling someone

Hugging as a display of dominance makes all the sense in the world.

That's just being proactive.

It’s pretty obvious from context that she doesn’t mean “society” in a literal geographic sense, but rather was (accurately) reflecting on a lack of community — an absence of regard for fellow man.

She’ll see more time than a rapist. Wow.

This is actually a live video of her running.

The only reason this picture was possible is because of that one time Madame Tussauds organized their exhibits alphabetically.

I’ve heard it’s a good movie.


I do like that dress though.

Unpopular opinion: Jennifer Lawrence is unbelievably overrated.

Mike Pence gets haircuts?! I thought that his hair just snapped on Lego-style.

That is an ugly wedding dress but mazel to Hardwick and Hearst. I don’t always love all of his ventures but Chris Hardwick seems like a pretty decent dude. His openness about his alcoholism has helped me with my own recovery.

I saw Katie ledecky levitate a goose behind goody parsons barn! I saw it!