
i don’t drink it i just keep it around to throw in bobby’s face

This sounds like my worst nightmare. Here’s some gluten-free artwork you can at least enjoy.

I don’t think anyone said she wasn’t, she’s obviously very pretty. However, she’s a terrible model.

She’s pretty, but she seems more “Old Navy Back To School Catalog” than someone suited for Vogue?

Is it wrong that I’d rather my kid get busted by me for smoking a ‘marijuana cigarette’ than one made from tobacco? Seriously, I would be WAY more upset to find out my kid started smoking cigarettes.

I mean I don’t want either of them smoking ANYTHING, and certainly not something illegal, but as a former pack-a-day

Excellent point. Modest expectations have gone the way of modesty.

Especiallyrating things

You make living sound like it sucks.

No wonder quality of shower heads were dramatically improved

I assume less sex because Millenials have a healthy fear of pregnancy and the associated costs of either continuing it or ending it and we don't have any extra money, what with those loans and underemployment and all.

I thought I hung out with her for a whole afternoon, but it was just a mannequin at Forever21.

If you actually take the time to read the article their positions make a whole lot of sense...certainly more than the usual republican position. And isn’t one of the most common criticisms of Republicans that they stop caring about the person/fetus the moment they are born? These people seem to at least not be

I would like to preface this comment with the statement that I am voting for Hillary Clinton. I love that Bernie contributed so much to the platform and I hope that Hillary keeps her word and sticks to the plans. But I also need to say that yesterday was so underwhelming for me. As a longtime supporter of the


The idea of Amber and Elon is gross, yet boring at the same time.

This saddens me. Now there is literally no way he’ll see the inside of a jail cell.

Man, I already miss Gravity Falls...

I think it was really fantastic that Marlee Matlin played a pollster on West Wing who just happened to be deaf. As someone whose family carries a hereditary, dominant form of deafness, that meant a great deal to me.

Step 1. Grind all flour by hand.
Step 2. Knead Bread like a cat for like hours.
Step 3. Bake bread in the stone oven in your cabin in the woods.
Step 4. Cool Bread and watch for bears
Step 5. Cut Bread with axe
Step 6. Get in your land rover and go to Whole Foods for avocados
Step 7. Go back home.
Step 8. Re-examine your

Obviously getting helplessly drunk is unsafe for anyone, though often understandable - many people, especially young newer drinkers, do not know their own tolerances. But yes, it’s dangerous, including in and of itself.