YES. THIS. And I hope more conservative women that are highly regarded in their field continue to come forward and join the fight. We can disagree on fiscal policy, but let’s all agree that women should be treated with equal respect.
YES. THIS. And I hope more conservative women that are highly regarded in their field continue to come forward and join the fight. We can disagree on fiscal policy, but let’s all agree that women should be treated with equal respect.
Between Carlson and the Breitbart reporter who got manhandled by Lewandowski, I hope that conservative women might start to wake up to some of the BS that is occurring on their side.
Where are the feminazis when you need us Gretchen?!
i feel so badly, but ME TOO!! and it’s election season, Daily Show should be on FIRE right now...
He’s done. His pride needed a dignified out. If “when every vote is cast” is his deal, that’s okay. It hasn’t slowed down the rest of the party getting geared up for endorsements or a general campaign, and Bernie has shifted his rhetoric away from Clinton, so he’s not doing her any damage by sticking around.
It’s still a platform for his message which, on average for all issues, is more progressive than Hillary's. I think he should stick it out just to keep making sure that end of the platform continues to be heard.
As an avowed Hillary supporter for months now, who has become increasingly frustrated with Bernie’s campaign, I think he should stay in for DC. It’s just one more! He’s not taking shots at Hillary anymore, he’s all but said that he’s going to suspend the second that primary is over, and the people of DC have so much…
Normally the nomination of a woman for a national party ticket would get a full throated YAZ KWEEEN! from me, but the woman being Hillary, I shall merely golf clap and whisper a polite Yes Queen.
This is one of those stories I don't think needs to be gossiped about. He needs peace and quiet and he should have it.
Alan Rickman’s death was also reported in dirt bag. Still a little upset about that...
Muhammad Ali’s death has no place in a dirt bag.
I remember when she had her throat surgery and announced she couldn’t perform any more because of it. I cried. (I was also an impressionable teenager who found Victor/Victoria very life-affirming.)
My best friend and college roommate for three years is a conservative, and was a member of the college Republicans. He was (and is) an exemplary conservative and one whom I wish the party was full of.
Dear Mr. Christie and all of the gun humping, and gun humper pandering fools that put the NRA talking points before the safety of real humans, from the bottom of my black little heart I issue you a hearty fuck you, most sincerely. I have never hidden the fact that the kids’ dad was a drunken, abusive moron that should…
Personally, I think we all need to start wearing hoola hoops to institute mandatory no-touch personal zones.
There isn’t a team Bernie “type”. Shailene Woodley is as far away from me as possible- black, meat loving, thinks crystal magic is bullshit, openly feminist/womanist, can’t stand Shailene Woodley, etc- but I’m a Bernie Sanders supporter. It’s annoying as fuck when Hillary supporters just dismiss us, especially since I…
What I love most about Mr. Rogers, and it’s untrue of almost all other children’s programming, is that he was calm and quiet. Teaching kids that it’s okay to not be hyper all the time and it’s okay to just sit and listen is important too.