
I bet she is all for services like food stamps and daycare vouchers to help support all the little “silver linings” she wants to force to be brought into the world.


If I were to ever get married I would want it to be to this man. Or someone exactly like him. READING A BOOKS YOUVE READ 8 TIMES ALREADY. God. My heart be still.

It’s like she parrots language she assumes makes her untouchable, except all of it is a lie. She’s obsessed with men in their early twenties, she’s surgeried into being terrifying, and she’s the least sexy person I’ve ever seen. Okay, she’s a little sexier than that Kim Davis person in Kentucky.

I have so much trouble figuring out how to articulate my feelings on Madonna.

One would think a super patriotic Republican would know that using the flag as an article of clothing violates the Code of Flag Etiquette.

Like zillions of people in their late 20s, I think Bill Nye is part of the reason I’m a nerd. To be sure, I dashed my scientist-parents’ dreams by being an English major and going to law school (and now practicing in an area that has nothing to do with science/healthcare). But you better believe that Bill (and other

Other than the obvious lack of good hair.

Y’all, go make a will. Now. Even if your assets are minimal or just bunch of books and shoes. In many states you just need to write it on your own and simply take it to a bank to have it notarized for free. You will save your loved ones, friends or family, lots of headaches.

I am clearly not fat-shaming him, dude. I am shaming him for dressing like a nerd.

He took going to see ‘The Boss” literally.

*I* wanted to hug them and I was sitting across from them! They were legitimately so upset. It was unreal. Restored my faith in humanity. And bros.

Newflash dipshits: if someone is going to sexually assault someone in a public restroom they already don’t care if they’re supposed to be in there or not. Making up some stupid transphobic rule under the guise of public safety won’t make a lick of difference.

ginger cat high foot! (this is my beloved dial tone Finn)

OK, so now I see him with a gas mask on. THANKS for reminding me of one of the freakiest Dr Who episodes.

The R&R Hall of Fame clip of Prince solo-ing during George Harrison’s introduction is one of the greatest demonstrations of how the guy was on a completely different level. Here’s Petty and Winwood and all these guys, and suddenly they’re all being dominated by Prince.

I’ve always found her so bland, and not at all beautiful. Oh well, half of beauty seems to be good grooming and she’s got that going for her.

Boy, that was weird.