
There are Trump speech truthers? Hahaha, that is precious.

I heard that one time Julia Child used cake mix.

I did not wake up this morning thinking I would like Ariana Grande, yet here we are.

If you are attempting to disprove the insufferable vegan stereotype, you are failing pretty miserably.

Gimme that plate. Give it to me. I’ll mix it all up and shovel it down my throat.

Don’t punish yourself forever, hon. You’re on a good track and you clearly learned from your experiences, just be thankful that what COULD have been WASN’T and continue going down the path you’re on and share your experiences with people who might be going down the path you were on that led you here, now.

I know what you mean. It feels like you’re possessed. Congratulations on your sobriety- good work.

Can I add that it makes me sad to say that I’m really goddamn tired of looking at Jillian Michaels?

I don’t know! Lyft is so much better - they actually send an employee to ride with potential new drivers to make sure they’re not psychopaths (Uber does not), and does more extensive background checks. They’re much, much more responsive to customer complaints and are a smaller company with better control.

behold the face of my god.

And you have the nerve to call yourself Clover.

It’s the packing peanuts of the food world.

which one is rita ora

Imagine if every inmate received that education instead of just the 10% who are accepted into the program.

I think maybe she just doesn't enjoy pregnancy - it's common enough. You don't need to be mean !

“So, your table stopped me and asked what kind of fish they had was because they thought you were lying to them; I told them it was cod and they asked why we didn’t have real fish.”

I know it’s uncouth to say anything that isn’t foaming-at-the-mouth, rapturous praise when it comes to Rihanna, buuuuuut

“To be the mouthpiece for the other girls that didn’t make it.”

Not to detract away from the rapes and murders because those are awful, it was nice to read that she was heard by the authorities and the judge didn't just throw her into prison and that the system worked for her. I super fucking needed that today.