
Look, I don’t mind you liking his baseball announcing, that’s fine. I disagree but it’s personal taste. But we are not going to sit here in this the Foul Year of Our Lord 2016 when Vin Scully retired and call that android “the perfect baseball announcer.” Jon Miller, Joe Castiglione, Don Orsillo, and Denny Matthews

Nothing wrong with some motor sports, you don’t deserve crap for this.

Eat shit 2016.

I believe the rule book states a little vaguely “demonstrate control of the ball” luckily it gives an example, if a runner is tagged and the fielder drops the ball while making a throw its considered a tag. If you can tag someone and then throw you had control. If you held on long enough that you could have thrown,

Yes and he is allowed three feet on the either side of that.

Just watched the video again, the angles from behind Dustin make it look like he was touched but the angles from the front make it pretty clear he wasn’t. Cool play!

Just watched it again, I don’t think he touched him on the initial lunge.

Also, you have a great user name.

I saw that too, and checked but in the replays they showed I could find no definitive shot or angle showing him touching Pedroia’s leg. It kind of looks like maybe he did from the angles behind Pedroia but it looks like he didn’t from the angles in front of him. If the replay team can’t find anything definitive, the

The definition of a tag states you have to maintain control of the ball. It actually specifically says if you touch the player and then drop the ball it’s not a tag. Here’s the definition:

He definitely tagged him, but in order to count as a put-out he needs to retain control of the ball. Since he dropped it immediately afterwards he did not have control, Dustin is safe. Here’s the definition of a tag from the MLB rulebook:

MASN has a very good quality broadcast team and I always enjoy watching Orioles or Nats games on their. If you’re going to do it this is how to do it, I’m a Red Sox fan and I chuckled when I heard it. I also totally agree with your assessment on PED’s too.

I WILL BUILD A WALL AND THE GOTHS WILL PAY FOR IT! -Emperor Trumpicus Maximus 416 C.E.

Too late to edit, I mixed up clips, they imply Ortiz is on steroids not Betts.

I just listened to the clip from the Oriole’s side where they subtly imply that he’s on steroids. David’s final season so far is much more entertaining than Jeter’s self aggrandizement parade.

I legitimately can’t remember the last time someone didn’t refer to him as Harambe.

Ruben Amaro is baseball’s answer to Jim Tomsula.

“NFL Rule 141.36(b) Definition of Entertainment. Any action which is not completely routine or vanilla is defined as Entertainment and is not allowed. Any catch that makes a “reasonable spectator” audibly gasp is deemed to be too entertaining to be a legal catch. In the event the outcome of a play is uncertain as to
