If you offered Curt Schilling his cumulative salary as a baseball player to not post something on Facebook for a day, he would have racist Obama memes up before the ink was dry on his signature.
If you offered Curt Schilling his cumulative salary as a baseball player to not post something on Facebook for a day, he would have racist Obama memes up before the ink was dry on his signature.
I’m a pretty big baseball fan, I watch or listen to multiple games in a week and I have to say situations like these don’t occur often. When they do occur it doesn’t tend to be in particularly important situations. There are obviously some high profile examples where it has but this probably occurs less often than a…
Classless punk. He needs to look up to the great players like George Posada, Kurt Schilling, and Randy Johnston. Stu Gehrig, Ned Williams, and Dan Musial are spinning in their graves!
I noticed, I just happen to agree heartily with the sentiment.
Seriously, I will completely cede the months of August through February to you football people. That gives you the pre-season and three weeks post-Super Bowl to talk about how awesome the Super Bowl was. I will give you a half a year for 16 regular season games and three playoffs but please, please, PLEASE get Mel…
I’m hearing a lot about how football needs to shut up, but I think football needs to eat shit AND shut up.
Baseball’s best fans! All the people who say bad things about them are just haters and losers! Sad!
<prints out article, uses razor blade to chop it to fine powder, snorts it>
Your Kinja name is great and I wish I had more stars to give this comment.
I found one on @bestfansstlouis in November but I remembered reading more back in October that I have not been able to find. If you check that account around that time you will find plenty of gold along the lines of derogatorily referring to the Cubs as homosexuals and screeds about Black Lives Matter.
I owe you an apology. I remembered reading a lot of out there takes on twitter and a few local sport sites with weird takes along that line. I decided to try and find some of them, but I couldn’t! All I found when I searched @bestfansstlouis for October was a plethora of tweets calling various members of the Cubs…
The best part of last season’s Cardinals collapse was the salty tweets about how the REAL CHAMPIONS were St. Louis because they had the best record in baseball. I can't wait to see how these goddamn hackers spin this one.
They did have a rule it just wasn't effective. The neighborhood play meant a fielder didn't have to actually tag second with the idea that no one would slide into a guy when he wasn't really in the way of a base path. Several bad injuries and a few egregious cases where the runner clearly wasn't aiming for the base…
Enjoying the sports is not mutually exclusive. Cricket is great, I started following it because it seemed similar to baseball so why wouldn’t I like it? Try getting into baseball, it’s super-fun!
Giancarlo Stanton is a good baseball man.
The first approach to the problem of making baseball fun again was in 1929 when the end of prohibition meant they could serve beer at games.
We have… mofongo!
I’m in the beta, the story crops up in interesting ways in the levels themselves. I am constantly finding easter eggs that provide some insight into the level that I'm in. The character interactions pre-fight also give glimmers of relationships and motivations. It's only the actual narrative that happens outside the…
I like this take!