Takes a switchblade out, cuts into the bag and carefully tastes a small sample before nodding,
Takes a switchblade out, cuts into the bag and carefully tastes a small sample before nodding,
Your employer doesn't have the right to search and seizure.
It is a private organization, they have absolutely no authority to see anything on that cellphone let alone take possession of it.
MY HOT TAKE: Professional sports version of Strangers on a Train. The St. Louis Cardinals deflated the balls while Brsdy hacked the Astros. There will be no evidence because the investigators are looking in the wrong place, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
The day is here at last. The hot takes. Give me all of them. I need this to hold me over until the St. Louis Cardinals hacking trial.
I sure do, it was exciting and that’s a good point. That being said, there aren’t too many other examples and my own is hyperbole, but if you’re not a big football fan, the sports media world doesn’t really care about you too much and that was the point I was trying to make. And god help you if you're a hockey fan.
Touché! Admittedly a poor example but simply substitute SportsCenter for what I’ll call “Generic ESPN Shitty Hot Takes From Morons Variety Hour.” There I think that covers 80% of their programming block.
Good comment. I am big baseball fan and only a casual football fan. This stuff annoys the shit out of me because it’s stuff like this that keeps he NFL unjustifiably in the news cycle year round. Every June we have the Stanley Cup, NBA finals, baseball is a third of the way through the season and yet at least 60% of…
As the other times the Players Association took he NFL to court shows, the NFL’s disciplinary system is a joke. They have very little to fear from a non-biased hearing and I see few reasons why they wouldn’t want it to go to court. You may not like Brady, but a victory in court here could mean the next time your…
Why was Pushing Daisies taken from us?
I’m so glad you said that, im a current subscriber and people sometimes don't understand why I'm in zones that are considered low for me when it's because I want to finish a storyline.
That was the worst fucking movie. It was basically an instructional guide on how not to kill someone, or at least that’s what I recall from vague memories from a decade and half ago.
Six of one half a dozen of the other.
I used to exclusively enjoy the microbrewed pretensions in a bottle offered in craft beer sections and stores across America. For medical reasons, I had to stop drinking for a long time. When I got the clear to drink on a regular basis, I went out and bought an overpriced bottled six pack to find it tasted like…
I liked Man of Steel and I don't share the views expressed in this article. That being said, if you're going to gripe this is how to do it.
You don't need the subscription. Multi-player is built in, you will find random other robed pilgrims wander in and out of your game, that is you coming across other players. It's one of the best games of the previous generation.
I was so impressed by Momochi. His presence of mind and ability to focus were legendary in those last few moments.
What a crapsack this guy is, good riddance. I once listened to him argue with himself for forty five minutes on whether or not Jim Carrey was still a star.
Good article, one of the problem with text communications is they can lack context or tone. Maybe Sylvanas was trying to give feedback maybe not, but we have a tendency to give these things the smarkiest voice possible in our heads sometimes. I think HotS has done a lot to reduce toxicity compared to a lot of other…
I think you're confusing aspartame with Pepsi.