
I have spent over $300 on hearthstone for cards and expansions and my best ever level was 9. My Hearthstone sensei paid $25 for Naxxramas and Blacrock Mountain each. The only other time he used real world money in hearthstone was for Christmas when I bought him a battle.net gift card. He achieved legendary. It is not

This is a tempest in a teapot. Some people think a cosmetic change costs too much. If you are “angry” about that in a free to play game your expectations of life are wrong.

Then don’t buy it. They aren’t forcing anyone to get this the game retains complete functionality if you never so much as look at the portrait in the store. The cosmetic upgrade is either worth it to you or it isn't. I'm planning on getting it because I like collecting card backs and it is worth it to me, I can see

If you could only have one car from your collection, meaning both to show and as your daily driver, what are you keeping?

When I find myself playing with new players the two things that seem daunting are unfamiliarity with map goals and unfamiliarity with hero powers. I would suggest an overview of each maps basic mechanics, you are probably already doing that though. For the latter problem, I tell my friends starting out to try out

Obviously he was borrowing strategies from Pete Carroll.

Look at him sock that dinger!

I seriously don’t understand why everyone is discouraged by the “tone”. For a minute and a half of non-revealing scenes I am curious to see more, it may not be a good film but there is nothing in this trailer to indicate its goodness or badness as of yet. And I will take gritty over whatever it is Ant-Man is supposed

I was watching the Red Sox play a few years ago and Jerry Remy and Don Orsillo are taking about their favorite places to go when they are on the road with the club. When they get to Detroit There’s an awkward pause and then Orsillo says: “Detroit is a great day to catch up on expense reports.”

so good!

so good!

I enjoy the game as is sans surrender option. My favorite thing about HotS (and Hearthstone for that matter,) is if you are in an un-winnable scenario you usually don't need to wait too long before defeat and then it's on to the next game. While there are a few exceptions in the games I've played, I don't find it too

This is actually relatively common in chess and some E-Sports like Starcraft and Hearthstone. There is one competition where anyone who qualifies participates regardless of gende, and a women only event so they don't need to be around assholes telling them to go back to the kitchen. It's more of a social thing, to

Cadillac. The only one of those cars I would even consider buying.

I think he's a lock because of his "Dugout Pep-Talk" from the 2013 World Series. Sportswriters, i.e. Hall of Fame voters, eat that shit up. His stats pretty much put him on par with Edgar, who I think deserves to be in but for voting those schmucks care about championships won, character, and other meaningless


Agreed, I feel Ortiz's near lock status may help Edgar since they are so similar.

I remember when I used to care if it was announced that a player was using PED's. I bought into the early 2000's histrionic "integrity of the game" bullshit fed to me by Big Baseball. As I learned more about baseball it became increasingly clear every era has its own "performance enhancers". Amphetamines in the 70's,

I usually choose healing or support characters because I like helping people, this is a great way to recognize those less than heralded jobs. You rarely get any glory when you win, but you take a lot of flak if you lose. Well done Blizzard.