
wait... did it ever lose the crazy?

"Roland Brice will plead guilty to the murders."


Because the game has some serious game breaking AI issues. I won't even get into the DRM issue and turning off of features.

SimCity needs a hell of a lot more right now than just subways.

Unless you have a garbage dump + farm where you get your crops from + your own power plant in your back yard.

When Origin came out, in the FAQ, one of the questions was "what happens to my games if EA goes out of business?" The answer was "EA is one of the biggest gaming companies on the planet, we aren't going anywhere!"

that's concept art. I haven't seen any actual gameplay shots.

6? You must mean 3.

I always expect them to come in the form of "Buy game- is good for game zombie kill!"

It's great as long as your hardware doesn't suck. My S1 would constantly do weird things like; plop me 3 blocks away randomly facing the wrong way, or I'd stop at a red light but the little "me icon" would keep going through the intersection. S3: not a problem.

As a child of the 80's, I was told if I put my mind to it I can accomplish anything.

Ah- I thought Far Cry 3's inventory system and GUI in general was not that great. I've got tons of animals skins... that I don't need any longer, as there's no craftable items left- there needs to be a button for selling that. Not to mention that constant confirmations to sell things outside of the junk stuff as well.

errrrr.... yeah, good point.

+1 you made me literally "lol"

You apparently haven't browsed through the existing petitions, the Death Star petition is far more leveled headed than a lot of them.

Or perhaps abolish money and make our driving goal in society to better ourselves as a species.

the internet was all down hill when the majority of sites shifted from star trek to porn.


Nah, it's like google- you have to use it properly to find the cool shit. Just because you have access to it doesn't mean much.