
but.... but, I love me some Kastudon :(

I'm having horrible flashbacks to L4D's match making, AKA "Chat room the game"

Yup- slightly under half capacity, and during a Wednesday noon game to boot.

You can watch Rec 3 on Amazon as a pre-release movie on their streaming rentals... it's... not worth $10 :(

Sunshine was going to be one of my all time favorite movies- until it got all 28 days later horror movie out of no where.

I stopped playing a couple of months ago- this will not make me start again.

6 season and a movie!


Honestly, the kid in me waited YEARS for that ALF TV movie (talk about downer cliff hangers for a shows)... only to be greeted with "WTF is this?"

That looks so much better than most CGI of today.

Good god I'm glad that show got renewed.

I hear she's somewhere in the center of the Earth now. I hear that's the most cost effective way to get stuff to China.

I suppose that's much classier than the first image sent over the internet (www):

wait... so... the movie doesn't take place on Mars- it takes place inside the Earth?

"OMGBabyGoats!... uh... posting topic... animal... behavior? Yeah- Animal Behavior!"

Had they done this a couple of years ago- I might have stuck it out with hotmail and gone Windows phone instead of the google android route. MAYBE.

I'd be grateful for anything to get the first starship troopers movie out of my head.

And this is why more and more- I want to play single player games again. People are ass hats.

" hurrah"? Now that's a loose way of terming the Crystal Skull...

There have been a bunch of sensationalized news headlines about "Brain scientists that worked with shooter unable to see mental problems" - those TOTALLY piss me off. A neuroscientist is not a psychologist. "Derp- brain surgeons don't know anything about brains after all. LOLZ"