Didn't the 2nd suit get turned into War Machine?
Didn't the 2nd suit get turned into War Machine?
He's in Hong Kong. Hong Kong was a British Colony for a very long time.
I suppose it doesn't come with the submarine?
Hmmm... yes, yes- but will it have lens flare? Light and a compact mirror are pretty cheap.
I can't wait for season 3... oh...
I thought the 2nd one was a rehash of the first one, same jokes etc, and all tossed together pretty quickly (script wise).
The Signal! I got it.
I thought the 1st movie was refreshing and enjoyable. The 2nd movie is a prime example of cash-cow-remake of the 1st movie. This 3rd movie CAN'T be worse than the 2nd.
Totally reminds me of "Journal of a new Cobra recruit":
Downer Thursdays should be a thing.
I'd see that. HELL YES I'd see that.
Didn't Frank Miller write Robocop 3?
My "WTF": some one green lit another GI Joe movie
The hell?
Am I the only one who thinks this fall will be dismal?
My thoughts exactly.
I was totally disappointed in the ending. Not because of the loop, but because the Red King was beyond lame. "Yiieeeeee!"
That child's skull is way to rounded.
I remember my World History class from the 11th grade... and the 12 pages on the Far East :(