
Usually the words "exhaustion, dehydration, and malnutrition" are used to describe dying children in 3rd world countries, not humanitarian-warmongers who indecently expose themselves in public while under the influence.

India is not America. You did catch that their occupation (as kids) was beggar right?

@ Sean Cahill: In a week of totally depressing news in the world- you made me "lol"

Only the best MST3K episode EVER.

Ah- yeah, you're right my bad.

At least one of the things that sets NPR into the "more legitimate news" category: they did a posted redaction, instead of just changing it without notice, deleting it with out notice, or just not doing a damn thing.

Needs a urine strained colored filter over the graphics. Is it possible to do over the should Tic Tac Toe?

I never really read the Avengers... but, a team with a rich guy with a super powered robot suit, a super powered soldier, a guy that turns into an indestructible green smashing machine, and another guy who is the god of thunder... has a guy on the team that has a bow? ...is he the Marvel equivalent of Aquaman? (I kid

I had always lived in populated areas, and didn't see the millky way until I was an adult- I had no idea that one could just view it with their naked eyes. I was stunned.

What? It makes the most sense. You know it's a question before the sentence starts.

If some Volition guys put up a Freespace 3 kickstarter: I'd fund that in a heart beat.

Best Sax solo in a movie ever.

I hear that runs Angry Birds at 120 fps.

It's dyin' time.

I think cult status. There's some cult movies up on the chart, but not too many.

Now playing

Ah, there's a special place in my heart for the Happening where I keep my cheezy love of garbage.

haha- yeah it was. Everything was taken to an extreme (I really want a Riff Trax for this movie). His friend wasn't just emo he was uber-emo. His girl friend just didn't become a prostitute, she was crack hooker from hell. I like that movie though- soley for the crazy cheesyness.

THUNDERDOME!? HOW DARE YOU! (Watches DVD after many years) ...oh.

Hah I had Bat Bale's voice in my head when I read that.

I haven't followed Ar Craft Since War Craft 2... is that a panda?