
Ah- in a few years, the copyright for a lot of the disney characters will be coming up. Oh that's right- they keep lobbying to push the copyright expiration, because they're dicks.

I saw this recently on NetFlix! It had been so long since I've seen it. It... did not hold up well to my childhood memory.

That's fine- just don't go to a Doctor again- ever, or use any sort of over the counter medication again, ever.

Yeah. I know I read that. Reread what I wrote.

B+ in art? If it were art school that would be called a "Gentleman's F."

Yeah me too- I thought it was getting too serious from all of the trailers etc I had seen, that had the best kind of camp.

Well it took 12 years to get a real Xcom sequel, I can wait for Freespace 3.

YES. PLEASE. Newly made from scratch....

So what you're saying is if they make oil prices go up, we should blow them up to keep our prices down? Yeah that pretty much would make us douche bags.

Sweet jesus I want a Freespace 3....

America loves an underdog!

Seriously? Because the DoJ doesn't have a Google machine at their offices?

Ah- makes more sense.

This is one of the most amazing things I've seen. I LOVE the chess reenactment.

as Saccade said... why are you at 600 ppi? Are you printing those images?

Hell yeah! My original PC was a 8088, no hard drive- dual 5 1/4 drives! Dos 3 something.

jesus... am I the only one who remembers when you had to have a minimum CD ROM speed to run a game?

Ad revenue? One day without it is one day too long eh?

Whoa- I don't think I've ever seen a Velocity costume before.

I didn't say she took time off.