
They should have put that Dharma station on the island.

Hey there's probably like 2 people here that read Deadspin!

Of all the things that can bother me about this; Kim Jong-il, kidnapping movie makers, starving his country while living in luxury... the noise that monster makes bothers me the most.

Yes I know- what I mean is why not build an updated new F-15, not refit an existing old F-15. Or have a newer plane that is not as expensive as the F-22 but still out preforms the F-15.

The F-15 has never been shot down by another plane- ever. Why not have an updated newly built F-15?

out of curiosity for the "Pro F-22" people: what do you intend this plane to do?

I have a french press, and I get great coffee results, because I don't over grind- leave it coarse.

Awesome! #1 is good, I have to above the urinal in my favorite bar.

:) this is one of the few times in internet history where Goodwin's Law has been used and not ended with "FFFFFFFUUUUUUU"- there is hope for our society.

I hate bringing up Goodwin's law (I REALLY DO) and it is offensive (sorry) but- no, it crosses a line when you want to experiment on PEOPLE, it makes us no better than what the nazi's did no matter how one justifies it.

I work in the biomedical research field as well, in a division of NCRR- which actually doesn't exist any longer- as technically it has been dissolved and it's internal divisions split up to other parts of NIH, leaving only the shell of the organization.

"IMO, I'd rather see child molesters,rapists and murderers be tested on than innocent animals. We certainly have no shortage in the prison system."

(Trying to ignore all of the voices tell me to hurt people)

Ah! BBS! "Download this WAD... I'll go eat something and come back in 3 hours to see if it's done."

You're bringing me back to the 7th grade with that screen. Back then Star Trek made up the majority of internet sites instead of porn.

Lens flare on an expensive movie is annoying... on a "$150" film: less gimmicky. Or is that just the way it's used....

No Call of Duty- because it's players use Yahoo Answers as a "search" page.

Legend was a favorite of mine as a kid! I recently watched in on DVD and... it... isn't as cool as I remember.


In other news: your car is less likely to be stolen if you have a manual transmission.