
I'd say the defense department. There are 20 active aircraft carriers in the world, 11 are controlled by us, with 1 about to be finished and 2 more planned @ $14 billion for the first one (R&D), and $9 Billion each for the other 2. That doesn't include operational costs, that's just to "get the things made."

I work in a medical research gov organization (part of NIH)- THANK YOU for posting this. Science is rarely ever WYSIWYG, and the US's over-all science research shouldn't be in the hands of for-profit private companies for the very reasons you write about.

No, Tilda Swinton's worse role ever was Technolust. Seriously, I'm one of a handful of people who has seen it- it's the worst kind of shit: pretentious-shit. Conceiving Ada is also the same sort of shit, but even more boring.


Of all of the 20-30 ish something film and digital cameras I've owned/owned, made from the 1940's to today: the SX 70 is still most ingenious designed camera I've ever owned- and it my personal favorite. I'm glad the impossible project didn't let the film die.

Good god, did you actually watch all 3 of those movies? How did you finish with all of that blood coming out of your eyes?

The slang of the kids these days isn't rad to the max. Not. At. All.

if it's any consolation: no amount of hazing, praying, use of magnets will help the Mariners.

oh look... touch whiz... "great."

Ouch... that's about a $160K avg cost per truck.

Seriously? "Massive?" It's APS-C...

Neat, BUT what I don't like:

but then there will be shark-eagles fighting them instead of human-mutt things.

I know right? Total waste of tax payer money- they could have gotten something WAY cheaper in Brooklyn.

Yeah- that's an understatement.

Ah yes, before he got the Michael Jackson surgery to do those Harry Potter movies.

what up buzz kill

+1 to you... now I just want to go to bed.


OH MAN... I haven't seen that movie in a long time.