now I know what dramatic butt cleavage music sounds like.
now I know what dramatic butt cleavage music sounds like.
@FrankN.Stein: Are those Zombies or medical student model examples of a variety of "illnesses"
Sandra Bullock shouldn't be in the 2010 list as her thing isn't even in 2010, and Jon Favreau? Not for Ironman 2- nuh-uh.
@Dope_danny: lol Yeah I DID!
Gah look at those movie ticket prices vs. sold- I realized I see fewer and fewer movies for a variety of reasons. A little internet + Netflix, but mainly because movies are terrible around the board.
@Hatebunny: only one of the best ScFi books ever:
I still want a Robot Jox remake (what?! I actually WANT a remake?!). It had little guys sitting in big robots who would beat the hell out of each other for Alaska.
@bob_d: yeah using that term to describe your movie that hasn't be released on direct to VHS isn't really that classy.
wow I love Lens Man... errr... I mean Green Lantern....
@Excalibur: usually it's booze and ego.
So... no red necks in F-18's?
dude, moving a couch up those stairs has to suck.
once moose knuckle has been seen- it cannot be unseen. Thaks Gizmondo.
@FrankN.Stein: I like the irony of a computer generated guy who is supposed to be a guy inside of a computer generated world filled with computer generated guys and regular guys in a movie largely computer generated- even the non-computer generated worldly bits.
Stories about early 30's average dudes who likes scotch + jazz, who just happen to roll with the weird shit that happens to them, that's why I love Murakami (I know weird).
Even if this show is good- I won't watch it due to their treatment of my past favorite shows- you're dead to me syfy. So basically still: FUCK YOU SYFY
@HarXcird: I was pleasantly surprised by how good the movie was- and the "play" like way they went about re-enacting it. I think the problem they had with the "musical" bit was that the movie would have only been like 60 mins long if they didn't painfully extend the run time.
@jerkofalltrades: Yeah! I love Ghostbust-... I mean Evolution.