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Right because beloved (beloved Green Hornet? Talk about esoteric) franchises would NEVER do that....

And Megatron is going to be a Mac Tank truck?

@Shadowpuppets: yeah.... although that last Aliens Vs. Predator movie barely scrapped by even I think.

@Hotscot: Rubber suit? If it doesn't look like an over complicated amorphous blob of truck turning into a robot- count me interested.

You know- I like Alien movies (mostly), and I like Ridley Scott (mostly).... but I'm totally baffled by this movie. I know it can be applied to like 80% of all movies but: "why?"

That guy just can't get away from eye patches can he?

@Rusty Hawk: lol yeah- but that doesn't matter around here.

@Aurangzeb: WOW- it took me a second, but damn. That's a fine shirt. I like how it give pac man a back story.

The inner 12 year old in me is seriously wanting to play mega man right now as well.

@Ajh: At first reading your comment I was like :-(

@NotGodot: This will flop harder than Hunchback the Rock Opera released here in Seattle in '98- that flopped HARD.

The last time I had this feeling- was playing Mega Man 2 on the Wii.

What no Optiums Ax? Unimpressed....

For those not of the epic novel sort- The Elephant Vanishes is a good one.

wha? Cloud Atlas with bullet time... no...

damn... I know about 95% of these... which says a lot about my dubious movie tastes.

I do like the fact that The Walking Dead isn't following the comic verbatim, AND doing a great job. Keeps me guessing as to who will get eaten/shot.

@ShubNecktie: Those are rumble-words around these parts fella.