
@Snowkestrel: Superman just said that to make up for the over franchising of the 4 "which is the real" superman aftermath.

Venture capitalism + Superheroes = Batman franchise.

@FrankN.Stein: +1 million internets points to yous sir

Whoa. Well- that is certainly a few steps above hoarding cats.

whoa... wait... the uniforms are orange?

@99TelepodProblems: I found her being confused by the first amendment to be the scariest thing this Halloween season.

@Zuldim: Gordon has a daughter- I think that was it.

@leftatmars: Yeah, living in a major city suck star-wise- I have only seen the milky way once with my own eyes. The view is better from the other end.

@Szin: Anomalowolf Vs. Polar-Grizzly.

Pffft, 1 meter converted to Quaternary period is like 2 inches.

@evan7257: I REALLY like the small easter eggs they throw into the episodes.

I loved the Vampires sound track, it sounded like John Carpenter was in his garage with an electric guitar jamming the whole time... which would explain why the movie itself had way better music than movie.

Shit yeah: My Fringe MAY be back AND no Yankees in the World Series.

I sitll find it funny who you called it "video" from 1928

@tovette: Hah you beat me to it!

@bookling: I just can't get not re- HEY!

At first I thought "#7 is amazing" then I realized they all are.

I'm afraid whenever I hear random lines from All Along the Watchtower or versions of the song that aren't Hendrix or Dylan. It always makes me feel uneasy about the future, like it's all going end horribly.