@hagren: No it doesn't look as expansive. Although there certainly were times where I thought "god what does this NPC want from me now? I got shit to do" in Dragon Age.
@hagren: No it doesn't look as expansive. Although there certainly were times where I thought "god what does this NPC want from me now? I got shit to do" in Dragon Age.
@hagren: Yeah I got that feeling too.
What no snakes?
@OutlawDominus: :) NICE
Oh man- if the movie had the budget of the audition tapes, I totally would have seen that.
@99TelepodProblems: Someone has to save our British President.
@simonbarsinister: +1 internets to you sir
in film I do remember a certain movie called 2001 that featured flat screens....
Robocop was hilariously PG rated. If someone were a fan of the show but never seen the movie- their head would have exploded.
@gsoda: Gah- it took them long enough to get rid of it. The Germans subjected the world to House of the Dead. Way to go Germany.
@Chris Braak: It's a weird tax loop hole in Germany, something along the lines of where a movie that bombs (as long as it's a German film, made outside of Germany from what I understand) and loses money will get compensated to where they come out in the black. Something like that.
@k4man: Actually this was the first thing I thought as well. Well no, the first thing I thought was "that Dominic Purcell movie was Filipino made?"
oh god what is that!? KILL IT KILL IT!
@Garrison Dean: R.O.A.C.H.: I'm sure the whole clan will be raptured up. Leaving the world a better place.
@Dwayne Day: Chavez seems to be the non-hip "evil do-er" that's not heard about as much as Ahmadinejad, or Kim Jong-il Jr.
@brentbent)dense as a neutron star and bright as a super nova(: Also the freedom of association is protected under the 1st amendment.
@phoenix: They also think if you're 18 you're too stupid to vote and shouldn't. They had a a great exchange with Sean Penn a few years back in Rolling Stone where Sean Penn told them: "No one's ignorance, indcluding a couple of hip cross-dressers, is an excuse (not to vote).
One can not get mojo back if one never had it.
@Rahll: That pocket of the universe is missing the background! Someone unlocked it!