
seeing the burnt foot steps from where he took off in a flash with the camera panning over to see him running about 10 feet away was classic.

@Aenean: Vale doesn't miss the PS3

I might have actually watched that movie... when it would air on the ScFi Channel Saturdays @ 9:00 AM for 3 straight months.

Ghandi "BOOM Bitch"

@Daveinva: heh- they were too busy buying leather cowboy hats.

@JohnnyZito: Unfortunately Hackman is retired and now an author.

@Daveinva: Actually that's from the last year of the USSR, the results are from ham-fisted corrupt capitalism.

oh... what is this... a worthy foe?

Crazy when you also consider that the majority of planets we've found are significantly larger than our quaint-sized Jupiter in our un-remarkable dusty system.

He did not deliver any Lasers with Sharks on them, Freaking Un-Mad-Scientist.

@Madge: oh god... "Team Walter" made me squirt soda out of my nose.

@LittleDragon: Yes but Walter has a taste for Strawberry Flavored Death Pop Tarts.

@Mount_Prion: Muppets in space... minus Miss Piggy.

Well... just to let you know io9, I will vote for Walter no mater who you throw up there- bring it!

@FrankN.Stein: Hah, yeah. I actually saw Nausica when I was a kid (the horrible American edit) and didn't think much of it until I was an adult- it's one of my favorite Miyazaki films now.

@FrankN.Stein: Don't be silly- cartoons aren't movies.

Will the daoist still try to nuke the hell out of me and "wipe my kind off of the Earth?"

@kallidoan: He shot his girlfriend and her teenage brother into space with a rocket- just to impress her.

I need the super soldier armor to chase kids off of my lawn