You know what always amuses me about commentaries like yours. It assumes that it's not easy to control for the effects of women staying at home. It is and still women have a lower median salary than men in most professions.
Sorry Tommy, but not sure this is a big deal. You can see hundreds of tiny white specks at Augusta each time you fly over it.
Puts a new spin on the term "terrorist cells".
Their new tactic is to impose really draconian regulations on abortion clinics, with the goal of making it impossible to comply so that they'll have to shut down. This case will be dragged out as proof that clinics should be more regulated. It will be stupid, because this clinic wasn't meeting the bare minimum…
Ms. Stenzel shared this little gem on her Facebook page, and I want to vomit/scream/both. Why would Planned Parenthood assist with adoption? That's not what they do. Why would they assist with fertility care? That's what fertility doctors do. The fuck. They also don't pump my gas, feed my cat, or sing me lullabies…
Ott is such an idiot. You're in Buffalo, moron. Don't lick the center, try the wings!
"That's fertilizer, says Kemp, over and over." That should be on Vin Scully's Hall of Fame plaque or head stone.
Such a warm embrace.
"Heroically." That is wonderful. You can describe that gif in a lot of ways, but I don't think "heroic" fits to anything that is happening there.
They could also go this direction.
Very true.
I don't think I've ever met a libertarian that was a decent human being.
Now I'm wondering what your background is. I did study and teach this stuff, but it was a few years ago and I was winging it here. I did also generalize quite a bit. So let me be a little clearer.
That's a strawman argument. Not eating paleo doesn't mean subsisting on "cheese danish and Fanta," nor does it mean HFCS is one's primary means of carbohydrate intake. I've also never known someone eating paleo who wasn't an asshole while interacting with a vegetarian or vegan. You're complaining about other people…
Okay, I follow a Paleo diet and here's why: I don't think humans (or any terrestrial vertebrates) have evolved enough to fully digest any organism that originated after the Permian-Triassic extinction event.
The Paleo diet is bullshit for the following reasons.