
How can you possibly say that the father loves his child? He wanted nothing to do with her, actively pushed her away and then signed his rights away.

Yup, because sex is evil. I'm sure the bible says that somewhere. Right? Anyone? Bueller?

Yeah, but it goes both ways. It's kind of interesting to see how the arguments have changed over time. The rational gun advocates have gotten pretty good while the gun control arguments have gotten stagnant and often illogical, like they jump into an argument, say something stupid and hope that someone smarter backs

There's about 5 gun nuts that are loudest, 2 of them are regular posters and can be reasonable the others are burners that pop in to troll and run off.

The ironic thing is that the people cheering for the bills' failure are people that say that this would create a "big brother" registration list among other things.

I'm assuming most of these have to deal with after the terrible 3s.

The classes I took all touched on abstinence, along with everything else, even the sponge.

"I know lots of people who don't even carry cash any more - I understand the US is several years behind on this, but it's certainly not decades behind, and with new phone-based payment systems, it will even catch up. Then it only takes a law or two to get rid of the last remnants of cash."


Ever ran a marathon?

So long as the sample set was large enough I'd agree with you: if there was only one statistic I had to chose. But I'm guessing they have dozens they could work with and several ways of breaking it down. Like I said, a number by itself, with no context is fairly useless. One of these places could have 3 women

I hope she'll learn to google before tweeting.

if she's figured out how to use twitter, she's probably figured out google. If she'd typed that into google rather than twitter, she'd be enlightened rather than a punchline.

It really depends on the skill and demand.

So no, you have no factual basis, and yes, you're a unabashed prick.

It's like that talking point that the Republicans threw out about how Obama's women staffers made less on average than the men without any further context. While there were women high up in the cabinet, there weren't as many as there were men. If you did a title by title, function by function comparison, they're

median isn't average, it's the middle value.