
Fairly smart and better than a RENT ME sign...it's free since they own it!

Jesus's message in the new testament could be useful, but people tend to focus on proscriptions rather than the: love your neighbor, give to the poor, visit people in prison type messages that require them to take action for themselves rather than tell someone else how to live their life.

but what's the pay off?

And she's clearly a fucking genius

Kind of like the bible

I suppose I could consider mine a degree of useless. I paid about $200 for mine, used it for a year or two before the hard drive died. I replaced it with a Sansa thing that had the same amount of space, same features for $30. The current iPod at the time was $300, the ipod mini was $100.

I think that's why I haven't been fully accepted into the community yet.

I got a color palm pilot thinking it would force me to organize myself. I never used it...eventually gave it to my girlfriend who loved it.

I was pretty excited about mine too, but yeah, it's so big and clunky and has that AC adapter...such a pain in the ass.

either way it's pretty asinine. I'm an MS fanboy, the only apple gadget I ever bought was a 3rd gen ipod, it wasn't useless in the least.

The entire article is NOT exclusively about China. It starts off defining China's numbers then it discusses why these probably aren't accurate then the second half of the article is about the difficulties of getting these numbers in America. Further my response was my opinion without passion and didn't attack you

I've never noticed, a taste difference, honestly.

Deadspin had an article asking why, why, why the fuck does the coach still have a job? This should be asked of the local police, the county police, the school board, the PA, the whole chain of failure.

The biggest problem is all of the people that aren't in trouble for this. The two boys who did the crime barely got their justice, but the enablers are still at large: www.localleaks.me/localleaks/steubenvillefiles/index.html

How is that simple math? I made up some number! Simple!

Based on evolution, it makes sense for there to be more women than men. I think in environments that are very secluded you will end up with an even higher difference between women men. The reason is a man could (technically) father several children a day while a woman takes 40 weeks to gestate a child. If you have

usually not until 18-20 weeks. He's probably full of it anyway.

Is this a fail, or are you trying to be funny?

The issue in a place like China is that in some ways women are undervalued. On top of that you only are able to have 1 child, I think you can get an exception if the first child is a girl, so you basically have 2 shots to have a boy. None of this gives me a warm and fuzzy about using gender as a criteria for an

I don't honestly think this happens in America. I can see it happening in a country like China that is very patriarchal AND only lets you have a certain number of tries to have a boy (although one article I read said that due to the number of people doing this, having a girl could be pretty lucrative when it came to