I fully expect this because when it comes down to it. Christians are like Al Qaeda. Radicalized.
I fully expect this because when it comes down to it. Christians are like Al Qaeda. Radicalized.
Because this never gets old:
I like your style. Boldness disappears when the threat of a richly deserved ass whipping appears.
Wait, the kid that smirked at the Native American in DC? They’re having HIM speak at the convention?
Recently, two young empty headed thumbs harassed me in a hardware store, as I was minding my own dayum business, because they thought I was alone and therefore, vulnerable. I ignored them and went to get my 6 foot 3 inch son who asked them why they were messing with me. Their fake bravado turned to “I’m about to piss…
The best part about that shitshow called The GOP convention is the D List losers they have appearing. I mean these two pieces of butt lint are just the warm up for Ted Nugent, Scott Baio and The My pillow guy. Oh did I mention that the bitch ass pussy teenager with the most punchable face of all time, Nick Sanderman,…
So what you are saying is, Michelle spit hot fire? Oh she did because Sir Stretch Marks had the most unhinged Twitter rant of all time. Shit when Kamala gets done with his ass he may just flat out tweet “nigger” or “black bitch.”
Hi, I took the opportunity to use a dictionary, and it says this:
Shit, looks like someone beat me to knocking the chin off his face...
Especially when you consider that part of the reason for 2 is because Trump and his cronies did everything they could to engage in a coverup. Roger Stone was convicted for it, but Trump intervened to prevent him from seeing any jail time for it.
Her speech was fire. I can’t wait to hear it again when Melanie gives it at the RNC convention.
“Now to piss off some of Kamala Harris’ supporters: not once did Michelle mention her name, which to me was the icing on the cake.”
The SSCI report seems to confirm two things we knew:
Michelle Obama really could be president if she wanted to. She really could! While it’s unfortunate for us she’s not interested in running for elected office, her convention speech still highlights how much of a patriot she is. Michelle Obama has done so much for this country and she’s watched the nation over the past…
I liked this quote too:
For those that didn’t know Dolly has always been a real one. Shit you should’ve known when she was in 9 to 5. She did say that she would turn Dabney Coleman from a rooster to a hen with one shot. Remember?
Hear, hear. Dolly Parton is a wonderful human being with a great heart. If other rich folks and celebrities acted like her, we’d be in a much better place.
i may not be a fan of her music, or her movies, or her theme park, or that dinner theater thing we had in orlando for a while; but i sure am a fan of who she is.
she’s a saint. and she does all these great things, and she isnt doing any of it for credit. i had to find out by a photo on facebook that i cant find.
This can’t be right. I have been assured by various news outlets that there has been a Change in Tone and that this is a New Trump We Haven’t Seen Before who has executed a Pivot and is now Taking This Seriously.
I think everyone has the capacity to be great at something. Some people just don’t find out what it is unfortunately.