
My Dad grew up in eastern Kentucky, about 80 miles up Highway 27 from Frozen Head. He ran all through high school, and even got a cross country scholarship to a school in North Carolina. Like most people from rural Kentucky, going to college 200 miles away was about 195 miles too far, so he dropped out, came back,

This is your first kid, isn’t it?

Yeah, I’m not sure you’d notice the difference ;-)

Tires are too expensive.

The current 2.5L (FB25) found in the Forester you tested, as well as the Outback, and Legacy, was introduced in 2011 (for the Forester, 2013 for the Outback and Legacy). It shares practically nothing with the old 2.5L (EJ25) that was around in one form or another since 1996 except for the rounded up displacement.

Yours is one of the few good suggestions that disagrees with the sporty car vibe. Most people want their kids to learn a lesson so badly, they’re willing to put their child in harm’s way by placing them in a crapcan. I think safety should be at the forefront of a parent’s mind. Sure, the car doesn’t need to be new or

Wrong, all of them. On both the style front, and the good for a new driver front. Here’s why:

This 1982 Ferrari Mondial can be yours for only 21k !

No question this is one of the deadliest harbor entrances in America. About 30 years ago my wife’s cousin and his best friend were killed when they were swept off the South Jetty in a Toyota Truck. Too many mariners have been lost here too. Thank God for the Coasties, they’re in the air constantly and save many lives

A typical naive joe-schmoe response to this is “How can you be afraid of the ocean if you’re a surfer/sailor?” That fear is a rational and necessary respect felt by the people that know the ocean and it’s incredible power the best (as demonstrated by the video). The people who ask questions like this just haven’t

335, 355. One’s a BMW, the other’s a Ferrari.

Around here

One of my favorite bands - Litany is still one of the best songs ever. I still play 2x4 and Filp Flop while riding my mountain bike.

May be Tuesday, but lately it feels like it’s Always Saturday, even if everyone else is swaying Under the Yoke.

If we had fuel mileage testing that actually mimicked real world driving conditions, none of this would have happened.

I suspect Merrick Garland will be confirmed before the end of 2016. IF Hillary wins and IF the Democrats take control of the Senate, you can bet all of your dimes that the GOP will become pretty effing reasonable regarding Merrick Garland. They know full well that a fully democratic Senate and POTUS will be their

“ I had a 2000 Kia Sephia that quite honestly, was one of the most dependable cars you could imagine. However, it was getting long in the tooth, high mileage, the AC didn’t work, the engine had no compression in one cylinder and only about a 1/4 of what it should in a second cylinder.”


Needs to be donked out.

No matter how big the boat is, the mass the elevator lifts will always be the same, as the mass of water displaced is equal to the mass of the ship. Thanks Archimedes!