
When we bought our minivan we were considering a full size Ford Expedition SUV. The Toyota Sienna had fully 30% more usable cargo and passenger space with greater comfort and amenities at a lower price. My wife was dead set against minivans until she figured this out. She loves her minivan.

Neutral: Have You Ever Bought A Minivan? What was the overriding factor that had you choose one over another? Would you ever buy a minivan if you haven't?

For $50K they could have at least stuck the letters on straight. However, I will allow some credit for spelling 'pharoah' correctly.

A couple of years ago, we witnessed a Trailblazer get sideways at about 75 mph on I-85 coming into Atlanta. It rolled a bunch of times and ejected two people, both fatalities. I can't see putting more power as a good idea in a top heavy SUV, but maybe that's just me.

I seriously thought about going to this (I'm a huge Wilco fan), but ultimately decided not to because Dylan is simply awful live. Great songwriter, terrible performer.

The sad thing is if they had spent a few cents extra on putting a UV inhibitor package in the plastic (which I understand is required in Europe), this issue could have been largely avoided.

I want 4 x 2v Webers and velocity stacks under a plexiglass hood scoop!

I despise engine covers, but this is the worst! It's time start a new movement where we all proudly remove our engine covers and toss the useless hateful things into the wheelie bin. Among the reasons to do this are weight savings, the ability to quickly see if anything is worn or leaking, and it just looks cool. I've

Why was the nose replaced by a crappy facsimile of a Roller? Show me the Carfax, please! Betcha there's a salvage title in there too!

Beat me to it. I was going to say "Italian car, French narration, German composer, it all makes sense!"

It should be easy to remedy the catastrophic understeer with a little right foot. But of course then you'd be drifting, which is not only pointless and boring, but also very very slow. I suggest whoever purchases this buy rear tires by the gross.

Interesting thought. My guess is at the end your development cycle you'd find out it's better to just let the CVT work out the ratios for itself. At least that's what I discovered after playing with flappy paddles on my CVT-equipped car.

If NYCT is so ambitious, why the hell doesn't it go to LaGuardia?

To be fair, number one on the list above is a rotary, and not a radial engine as described in the caption. A rotary engine has a fixed crankshaft and the engine itslf rotates. A radial engine has a fixed engine block and cylinders that rotate the crankshaft. There were a fair number of rotary aircraft engines about

Better question is "What cars should die this year?"

Linda Ronstadt positively oozed sexuality early in her career. When she appeared on the Johnny Cash show in 1969, she wore a very mini skirt and no knickers. June Carter Cash got upset and Linda explained "I sing better bare-butted."

Texas didn't ban Tesla, Texas state law requires cars to be sold by independent dealers, not manufacturers. The dealer lobby used a bit of 'honest' graft to keep it that way, but it was out of economic self interest more so than any antipathy for electric cars. They would have used the same tactic if Pagnani decided

Looking all Aston is not a bad thing.

This car reminds me of DD fake boobs on a skinny chick. Some folks may love them, but they never stop looking plastic and fake and like someone is trying way to hard. CP because I prefer my cars like my ladies, natural like God and Datsun made them.

The biggest breakthrough in teaching my 16 year old daughter to drive was when I realized she tended to focus on the thing she was trying to avoid instead of where she wanted to be. The sad thing was we didn't realize this earlier in her development, as it could have saved her from a number of rather spectacular and