
This car’s nice. This should be in Rocket League!

They do when they burst out of the chest of Baraka.

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The Attack on Titan game has a release window for Japan. It’s heading to the PS Vita, PS3, and PS4 next February. No word yet about its release outside the country.

“Uh, guys, there’s a shitload of mimmies right there. Guys?”

It is just very common in Poland to say about very poor quality video that it was filmed with iron (the one used to ironing not to making buildings), toasters or other things that just isn’t made for filming.

I have been looking forward to this for too long.

As someone who was there, this doesn’t even convey the energy and the feeling in that stadium. I kind of wish you were all there on Saturday because of the the reactions were absolutely phenomenal.

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Some amazing expert knowledge there. How about letting me educate your ignorant, stupid ass. You do not go to a range to test this, you test it on actual flesh. How many times have done that Mr Firearm Expert?

With all that ammo and two people working together, this could have been the worst mass shooting in history. We are all very lucky that they got caught before going through with this plan. They should be charged with domestic terrorism, not just possession of firearms.

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I got it on Nvidia Android TV last night and streamed it. I had one pretty good run.