It was awesome when you play as the bad guys AND have a team that actually tryharding. You felt so much like a well-turning cog in an alien invasion army.
It was awesome when you play as the bad guys AND have a team that actually tryharding. You felt so much like a well-turning cog in an alien invasion army.
...everyone do this, literally all the supermarkets that I know do this. Even the non-global local stores do this.
Yeah, what’s up with that Mei skin right? if they just make her skin pale or any color other than human skin-tone & have maybe black eyes with yellow or red pupils the skin would instantly become better.
Too soon, man. Let’s wait & see 1st, if things turn for the worst and more than 10 people drowned it would be in poor taste to have a photoshop contest about this.
Well, they do tried & are still trying. But like what a wise man once said; A shit with layers of layers of delicious decorations is still shit.
I’m pretty sure the music & speech helps. This reeks of noir in a good way.
You know, seeing what Nintendo is doing with 2DS right now gave us the horrible truth that they may only start to sell custom Switches when Switches STOP selling off shelves and when most people STOP talking about consoles.
Holy shit, that’s hardcore Blizzard. Well played.
Adult Swim, nothing really, the styles of Splatoon are pretty Adult Swim-ish, I guess?.
Japan is a 1st world country that deal with Tsunami & earthquakes on an almost yearly basis. Guess everyone just know what to do in those situation.
Because screw the danger, waiting for the train is more important.
What you think is terrible is not terrible to someone else. You should know that. Madden still exist.
Apparently there WERE going to be a 1st/3rd person option, but now when people finally get to see the game suddenly no more.
This game is obviously not for the core Pokemon gamer. This is what happen when the Pokemon Company looks at the Pokemon Go casuals & said: “Hey, how are we going to get some of them to buy our games?”
This is because this game is obviously not for the core Pokemon gamer. This is what happen when the Pokemon Company looks at the Pokemon Go casuals & said: “Hey, how are we going to get some of them to buy our games?”
Because nerd & otaku is just a word now. I actually remember a time when getting called a nerd is as bad as getting called a loser.
Nintendo Labo is either going to be a fleeting gimmick or an unimaginable success. Nintendo need to sell those Labo sets like Lego to keep the hype going.
That’s the DragonballZ era Buu. In Dragonball Super Buu is known more as the lovable innocent child-like demigod. Who are incredibly powerful & near-invincible but are also incredibly friendly & good friend towards all his friends.