You mean, pre-’roids for Bonds, right? Mac and Sammy were definitely juicing that season. I’m not entirely sure that Bud Selig didn’t get them the drugs himself.
You mean, pre-’roids for Bonds, right? Mac and Sammy were definitely juicing that season. I’m not entirely sure that Bud Selig didn’t get them the drugs himself.
Love the Giants. Hate Bonds. The problem with Giants fans — more specifically, anyone who began following the team after 2000 — is their front-running, amusement park attitude about the game.
How fucking frightening is it that we live in a world where concerns over what time Wheel of Fortune goes on the air becomes this much of a shit show for the people who decide what gets aired on television?
This would seem like the ideal position for a Schiano Man.
The slamming of the Red Bull to cap off that performance was epic.
Any comment I make here about the fucking over the Rutgers brand received by Nike’s “Scarlet Cylon” football uniforms is simply bait for the “the fucking over happened long before Nike, and it was Rutgers who did the fucking.”
The only thing more ridiculous than this statement is the fact that at least 8 other people found agreement with it.
I wonder if they ever found the body of the booker who put Paris Hilton in that chair.
God bless you, sir.
Of course you would, Internet Tough Guy.
Forty minutes of that woman’s bullshit? You’d throw her face-first into the floor, too.
People who start and end online communications with “Lol” should not be allowed to influence children.
Every time Deadspin frames this debate as a question of whether or not the 20-or-so wealthiest college athletic departments can afford to pay their student athletes, another sports agent gets his wings.
So done.
Tried to hit this note, but failed to do it as accurately and succinctly as you.
“Most psychos have the decency ...” ?!
“Wait, if you posted articles without a paywall, more people might click on them? This is blowing my mind.”
In the same post where you say it’s a dumb thing, you follow it by saying there was “literally” nothing wrong with what he said.
Yes, the hidden subtext of “then why can’t I use that word” is really “I want to use that word” and not “if that word is so horrible, then please stop using that word.”
Then you should rent “Blazing Saddles” or get out of the house more often.