
I’m glad to see we’ve wasted no time in making this all about how some whites are indignant instead of how a kid is a jackass.

Some examples of cities where life is much more enjoyable without a pro football franchise:

Given that the NCAA is in the actual day-to-day business of stealing money from teenagers who do all the valuable work and giving it to old white dudes who do none of it, ...

The persistent criticism of the NCAA with seemingly nary a word of admonishment for the broadcasters who dump money into college sports or the conferences that distribute it makes Gawker's ad nauseum rants against collegiate amateurism pretty ridiculous. The students may be getting the shaft, but the total lack of

You say, "potato ..."

The lip syncing is a colossal disappointment, but the fraud of the vocals is more than made up for by the brilliance of the dancing. As a 14 year old in 1983 who — admittedly — hadn't seen much of anything in the arts world that hadn't been force-fed to me by television, the dance performance here was absolutely

Small role in Taps? He was the fucking co-star!

seriously, the biggest douchebag in this bag of douches is the retard holding the iPhone.

another idiotic argument in favor of further making U.S. colleges and universities the illegitimate homes of semi-pro sports teams instead of getting money out of these schools.

Is it warm in the cockpit while you're wearing that sweater?

Ha! Fecking brilliant.

My favorite litmus test for unjustified arrogance and lack of nuance is the unrestrained use of any form of the expression, "They didn't play anyone."

If you didn't finish in the top third of your conference, you have absolutely no business in the tournament. This lineup is about tv programming with known brands instead of putting on a good show. Players at UCLA and Texas have opportunities all season long to shine in the spotlight and win big. For the other teams,

"Rutgers Athletics: Why Does This Hurt So Much?"

Harvardians have no need to feel self-important as long as The Concourse is elevating their dorm squabbles to the level of blog-worthy.

10,000 Oakland teenagers just stopped looking for jobs.

it's not even in the Top 10,000.

Penn State students desperately seeking Olbermann's approval and not getting it is a pretty strong indication that they know they're living in a moral cesspool. Olbermann correctly called them out for being reprobates — and pathetically trying to beg for his approbation — and I thank him for the sacrifice he made in