
"The point some have made is that had PSU dealt with this in 2001, they might have suffered a recruiting disadvantage due to the bad publicity at that point. Given that they have a decent recruiting class now, not sure this holds up."

+1 for headshot.

Todd Gurley faces no threat of government action, but he signed the NCAA player code of conduct — presumably — and agreed to abide by it, as well as by the ruling of the NCAA in matters related to it. For all of the things that you can legitimately hang around the neck of the NCAA, this isn't one of them. If Gurley

No Tick? The fuck this shit is.

"Fuck Batman" is inexplicably awesome.

Basically, he's Q from Star Trek TNG, but with a chin.

Oh, look who's trying to claw her way back into the spotlight.

Send the gladiators out there, and let them kill each other for our amusement. College football is just terrific, isn't it?

A landlord can't "void" a lease based on "any suspicion" of criminal activity.

I don't believe that's accurate.

General Dynamics is committing to killing the goose. The latest crop of shareholder cranks pushing the buttons over there are total morons.

... it is if Gurley left the NCAA and tried to train for the NFL on his own. I'm not making any other comparison to Clarrett's history than that one.

Sorry, but how is this the NCAA's fault?

how did that work out for Maurice Clarrett?

The DOD's new direction on ship naming is an absolute crime. Naming aircraft carriers after individuals is an abomination. It's a horrible politicization of taxpayer assets.

-6 Internets for irresponsible use of "literally."

Kevin Draper reiterates headline on Deadspin, and you WON'T BELIEVE what happens next!

"... Cocaine's a helluva drug," FTW.

He'll be playing in the NFL again within 2 years.