Mister Bump

I wonder if he uses the same argument when he steals a car, or breaks into a house lol!

Can someone tell me where to buy the horse armor - haven’t got round to it yet!

As long as it is fully playable online I’m in. If it requires local multiplayer I don’t think I know 2 other people with 3DSs that live close enough to make this work!

If you just wanted the release date, why are you looking at Kotaku at all, fanboy? You could have just watched the Nintendo video, while pulling one out. I for one am glad that Kotaku are pre-warning people that X may not be the RPG to end all RPGs we all hoped it would be. In fact, a lot of us will probably enjoy it

It will cost a fuck ton more than $2 mill to make this game - 20-30 would be closer to the mark. This is just to guage interest - i.e. if the fans can’t even stump up $2m, there’s not much point in funding this.

Launched 2018 with Massive Graphical Downgrade!

Why do they even bother calling it “Tomb” Raider any more? There’s clearly going to be no tomb raiding in this one either - they should just call it “We Still Want to be Uncharted” Raider.

Lady Stoneheart! (I can dream...)

Denial at it’s finest! Richard is a hardout JRPG fan - he’s Kotaku’s main JRPG guy! If even he thinks it’s a boring slog, you can guarantee this game has some major issues!!!

You guys need bigger TVs - I play Witcher 3 on this - reading’s no problem!!

That just looks terrible and patronising to half of the human race. What a shambles.

I want to like it, and I know the MR pre-dates POI, but damn, doesn’t it look a lot like Person of Interest??

Stupid hours meant I didn’t get to play it at all. Stupid release date means Witcher 3 is out 9 days beforehand and Batman a few days later, so it doesn’t have a hope of a look in. I’ll probably pick it up in 6 months if it isn’t a complete failure....

Still by far the best LotR film Jackson has made. Each subsequent film has been a case of diminishing returns....

Yet further proof that TB is a complete and utter dick. I literally have no idea why anyone would listen to his drivel.

She's not a guy.

Shame he way overdid the photoshop....

NM, found the impressions! ^_^

Says you're offline? Also, where are these impressions you speak of??

Haha, I like the conceited fuck comment!