Mister Bump

Today, Bungie released a new update for Destiny, a video game in which players travel the galaxy asking themselves why they're still playing Destiny.

Hello. My name is Mister Bump and I'm a pre-orderer. :(

The game isn't even remotely finished - it needed another 6-12 months minimum. Ubisoft have released a completely unfinished game and expect us to just take it. For them to say things like "issues you've told us about" is UTTERLY disingenuous - they are completely aware that the game is a broken mess, but figured

Destiny may not have been the game people were expecting (although I still think it's one of the best games to come out this year), but to bundle it with the technical disasters that are Watchdogs and ACU is disingenuous - say what you will about Destiny, it was technically rock solid!

Is it single player? Or MP only?

Cry me a fucking river. I pay $100 a month, have a data cap of 150Gb and only get 5Mb download speeds. As per usual, Americans don't know how good they actually have it.

I'm on PS4 but this is completely retarded. I don't feel 'better' because Xbox owners are getting fucked over, why would I? Pretty shitty practice all over.

Which is where that first option, Give Controller to Player, gets interesting. While the 60 minute limit to a Share session exists, there's nothing to stop you simply starting again as soon as it's up. If two gamers are motivated enough they can just keep sharing. In theory you could finish a game without ever owning

I'm good, lets just hope it's a good Ubi PC port for once!

This is a good idea. Well done guys - hope it works out. The massive focus of all game sites on stuff that's off in the distance has become a real problem!

The story is a complete mess, but the shooting is so fun, the Raid so awesome and the general camaraderie so cool, that I forgive them. I do hope they hire an actual sci-fi writer for any expansions/sequels.

To be fair, that's not "in" minecraft. That's just an animated video that uses the Minecraft look. Irrespective of whether the Minecraft engine was used as the basis, it's not recreated 'in' Minecraft, so therefore is a whole lot less clever.

I completely missed Sleeping Dogs when it came out (I think it was when I was travelling) - is it worth looking into on PC next month then? Because I was under the impression it was average, but maybe I'm confused (I often am!)

Pre-order bonuses makes me want to pirate SO BAD. I mean, here I am, paying full whack for your game and I get ONE of the possible bonuses, depending on which store I used. Whereas Mr Pirate Bay over there gets them all. He effectively gets the 'full game' like, you know, we used to get, before DLC and pre-order DLC

PvP is so totally broken - and the Hunters knife is one of the main reasons.

I remember thinking something similar watching the Battle LA trailer when it first came out and look how that turned out :/

That looks terrible. Some real early 2000s/Cartoon Network CG right there. Clearly had very little money spent on it. Straight to DVD/bargain bins.

oh I hate Amanda the emo skank sooooo much. This show would be so much better if they just killed her off too.....

I was dismissive and highly sceptical. But now? Holy crap! SOLD! That looked amazing!

Lets face it, almost no one does that. Especially as most pre-orders nowadays are via online stockists. Many of whom require the full money up front in return for a discount. Plus even at brick and mortar shops, they rely on most people rushing out before the reviews. If you wait and see and move your pre-orders