Mister Bump

Holy crap. I'm glad I live in a country where freedom of speech is a reality, rather than the sham it is in USA.

EEEEEEeeeeeee....eee...e.. ...e...

There is nothing good about this. Even if they were doing this for the stated reason(and they clearly aren't, they're doing it because soon, with the next gen, it will be console wide - a situation they forced make no mistake), it wouldn't be something good, its the same as a guy who punches you in the face every day

Nah, Kyle, I'm sorry, but you're building a bit of a strawman there. The reson most of us are upset is because we like to OWN the games we pay $60 for - not just feel like we're getting a limited licence. I very rarely sell my games, don't rent very often and don't lend or borrow games that much. But I like to know I

I can do Will Smith, mostly. I could even, maybe, at a push, be persuaded to give M Night a second (third? Forth? Fifth?!?) chance. But Willies son is just a complete no go. The kid can't act at all - he's a talentless black hole that sucks the life out of anything he's in. Will needs to realise this and let he poor

I agree. This looks just like that Hard Rain shite - i.e. shitty B-movie story that would be straight to DVD if he tried to make it as an actual movie (typical frustrated wannabe movie maker, just like Kojima), coupled with some lame 'gameplay' and a whole lotta QTEs. Count me out, I like real games.

I don't mind watching news and trailers etc on my ipad, iPhone et al, but Game of Thrones? Or a good movie? F**k no! The bigger the screen, the better! Sorry man, this article is BS. Sure TV is going to change drastically, but the screen in your living room going away for good? Not a chance, not in my house!

Complete and utter moron. This guy is everything that is wrong with America in the 21st century.

No Lensman love? The opening of that movie was WAY ahead of the curve and its still awesome even today, 30 years later!

Hilarious that he tries to compare it to mobile phones and poor coverage! Hey, moron, my iPhone still WORKS when I have no coverage - it still plays Angry Birds just fine!!