I have no idea about your history or background, but if you’re being paid less than peers despite education and experience, you need a new job. Big raises dont come from staying with a company, they come when you jump to another.
I have no idea about your history or background, but if you’re being paid less than peers despite education and experience, you need a new job. Big raises dont come from staying with a company, they come when you jump to another.
The burden of time off is part of the contract that put the burden of work on the other. Relax. Women are very blessed to live in a culture where for most of them working is a choice/fun option...not a demand/responsibility or requirement.
The study has a graph that basically says regardless of your gender, taking a year or more off hurts your earnings. The difference in impact between men and women was minimal.
I don’t have access right now to my specific sources (although most of them are very long studies and behind a pay wall). You can find a lot of information about occupational gender segregation and its relation to the gender wage gap though. For my thesis, I was researching different causes and solutions of the gender…
Unfortunately, parental leave is extremely important, but it is not a solution for fixing the gender wage gap - it actually makes it worse. I did my thesis on the gender wage gap, and if you look at countries with strong parental leave policies, they actually have a higher gender wage gap because they have more…
So, I just want to preface this by saying that this is purely a quibble about the statistical validity of this, and not an attempt to downplay the problem. Any percent of systematic pay difference between genders is unacceptable, and I’m only making this point because I believe the quickest way to lose an argument is…
Family leave. Some of us don’t have children but have had to take time to care for elderly or sick other family members.
Libby Watson, “Journalist”
I don’t know why so many kids are studying journalism - it’s pretty clear that its a dying industry. Hell - computers can write almost as well as humans now! They’ve been writing game recaps for sports sites for a while now.
Countries with parental leave still have a wage gap. If you look at the data from OECD, the US is actually in the middle when it comes to earnings disparity.
No one is missing the point. The primary reason for the gender gap is what the OP stated. Women who choose to ignore family and focus more on work make more than women who don’t. It’s a person’s preference. This isn’t Saudi Arabia, no one is forcing anyone to get married or start a family.
I feel terrible for all the people losing their jobs. But also somewhat vindicated.
All other things being equal, that’s illegal. Talk to HR or file a lawsuit.
“Mic’s two-floor office at One World Trade Center”
Spotted part of the problem!
I does kind of point to how there are multiple “pay gaps” depending on what you’re looking at. “For the same work” is smaller (I’ve even seen some estimates put women earning more, although I think those were mainly done to show off how much assumptions and controls can shift data) while lifetime takehome is larger.
Seriously. My old roommate was acqui-fired last year, but the company he worked for had (presumably) valuable IP. What the fuck does Mic have? It’s not an interesting legacy brand and I don’t think I’ve ever actually gone to their website intentionally.
I’m sorry. How the fuck can someone who works at a “millennial-focused digital news site” be “blindsided” when the layoffs come?
Earnings, not wage. There is an earnings discrepancy.
leaving out people who have to leave, either full or part-time, to take care of children, relatives, or other family members.
Yeah the online progressive disinformation arena is really starting to dry up.