Mister Alighieri

It’s almost like you think presenting irrefutable facts will somehow sway the opinion of those with whom you are discussing an issue on Deadspin.   Cute.

You keep those god damned facts off of this website, sir. Ain’t no body got time for dat. 

I guarantee he hasn’t

I laffed till I cried. And cried....and cried....and started drinking.

Car, house, all misc. property, 401(k), everything that you can claim as yours counts towards your net worth. When you consider that and consider that most households are NOT young (aka closer to retiremnet and should have their house more paid down, lots of savings etc) then 97k is actually a shockingly low number.

The math is objective while marginal utility is subjective. Either way, it’s super pathetic to be mad at Bezos for donating $2billion.

lol don’t worry, most of us have far less. I assume roughly a third of us have a negative net worth. I think i’m creeping up on zero as I approach 30

I’ll give him some praise for not doing what a lot of his ilk do, namely either donating it to a university so they can get a building with their name on it, or sticking it in a self-established foundation that exists more to ensure that their descendants have cushy jobs without as much opportunity to squander it all

Judging by HamNo’s attitude, he’s likely never donated to charity.

Dude decides to do donate 2 Billion (finally) and all anyone says is...not enough. Eh, I’m not jumping on that bandwagon. It could be more but it’s certainly a good start. All I know is my $1168 won’t build a school where $2 billion will build several. Similar percentages of worth, wholly different buying power. This

I get the feeling HamNo was erect while he typed this. Guessing he came the second it hit the blog.

I bet he thinks he will get to be a commissar, and get to have the good vodka.

Moore was never going to jail. Those accusations weren’t even enough for a civil suit.

IIRC, Clarence Thomas was still confirmed to the Supreme Court despite Anita Hill.

It doesn’t matter what’s in the letter. The only thing that will prevent him from becoming the next SC judge is if he gets hit by a bus, or experiences some other traumatic, unexpected, fatal incident. They could have video of him disemboweling a living human being and eating the entrails and he’d still be confirmed

Wealthy white men get a mulligan on any crime committed before they were 40 as “Youthful Indiscretions”*

Yeah, you nailed it. If I have learned anything these last two years, it is that nothing matters. People have their favorites. They support who they support come hell or high water, and nothing nothing nothing will change their minds. Faced with any facts or evidence that contradicts their world view or gets in the

I wouldn’t be so sure. Hard to remember now, but a guy by the name of Clarence Thompson (I think?) had his nomination derailed in the 90’s thanks to credible allegations of sexual misconduct, IIRC in no small part because Joe Biden just kept hammering him on the issue and demanded that his fellow Senators take the

...an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman while they were in high school.

Great, easy for you, someone who I assume has not read the books, played the games, and is otherwise completely uninvested in the lore. Not so easy for other people to handwave pages of backstory and hours of in game information for the sake of forced diversity.