Mister Alighieri

And more than half is on my side. ;) Which entirely undermines your original claim.

But what about farmers, then? Do you like not eating? Or do you want to pay $27 a pound for hamburger? What about hospitals? Do you want tiny, rural ERs to just close because they aren’t able to afford to hire anyone for the few patients they have? Is your answer then that all those rural folks should just move to

I have made a case for why my state’s economy needs immigration. You didn’t address that.

A blanket denial of every person who legally presents a claim violates their due process rights.

Well... you may deny them the right to asylum - but if the international community determines that they had a legitimate reason to request asylum AND they are returned to imminent danger and die as a result - then the United States carries the weight of those lives and the responsibility for the deaths.

So then we should just kick out all the poors, right? That way we can have a nation of rich people. Because you don’t respect the notion of American ideals (they are, as you say, malleable), then we can just define a new ideal of wealth over citizenship.

Look, if you’re gonna be a racist POS, at least own it. Don’t try to hide and blame other people.

Ok, so you know that certain levels of automation are impossible to achieve in agriculture, yet you constantly talk about how all those jobs will be obsolete, so why should we accept refugees. What a surprise! You’re arguing in bad faith.

I like brown people just fine. I just don’t want the rest of the worlds poor and uneducated. This goes equally for European poor and uneducated as it does for Asia, Africa, or South America.

Both actually

Yeah really, but you can try to spin it however you need to to justify your bullshit nationalistic nonsense.

That would be breaking the law, dumbass, it would deny their rights to due process to prove a valid claim of asylum

What, like the “good ‘Murrikuhnz” are lining up to take jobs like picking strawberries or cleaning toilets?

Find me a survey on refugee/asylum seekers. Because that is a different animal and is not what people instinctively think when they talk about the immigration issues.

So you want the government to break the law by issuing a blanket denial of all people legally presenting a claim for asylum?

American values, such as: decency, respect for one another,

Hey! We helped create these poor by destroying their sovereign governments!

You’ve never worked in a field, have you?

Nah. Nice try though. You did your best, but you are just a nationalistic piece of trash. You are entirely what is wrong with America.

Keep reading the thread. I have stated the point repeatedly.