Mister Alighieri

Whatever, I can peg another lazy white man who failed up to middle management from a mile away.

Wages have been raised on some of these jobs, like agricultural field work, after crackdowns on immigration. Americans still will not do them.

I disagree. Every immigrant I have ever met, legal or illegal, has been a harder worker then every American I have ever met.

Shove it up your butt and let it ferment

This is an asylum/refugee issue, not the lottery. So that whole stupid post of yours doesn’t matter.

We don’t? Unemployment is as low as it’s going to get.

Actually a lot of America’s small towns are experiencing a population decline because the people who live there aren’t replacing themselves 1 to 1, either not having enough children or not bringing in enough people who relocate. Immigrants could re-vitalize these small towns and don’t need to be ‘high skilled’ to do

Well, if you’re comfortable abdicating American values, go the fuck somewhere else.

Nah. That is un-American and disgustingly nationalistic. You are a big part of what is wrong with America.

I love how racist out themselves with the whole “I dont care if you’re a green/purple/plaid person” line before defending their shitty racist views.

The New Colossus apparently has an expiration date.

We can disagree, sure. But that still makes you a shit person for not wanting to help those in need when we absolutely can as a nation.

A lot of the low-skilled jobs in my area pay around $18-20 an hour. Night shift at the meat-packing plant, dairy farms, etc.

You keep acting like you don’t even see how you keep proving my point, thus proving other people points against you as well.

I live in a rural state. Our population is not declining-yet-but only because of immigration. If all immigration to our state stopped, the old people would die off faster than there are babies born to replace them. It would get real ugly, real fast.

We also have a righto accept them.

Except we wind up crying about our drug problems, which is us making their financial situation our issue. Part of it is the fact that the money situation is so bad/unbalanced that for a lot of families being a part of the drug industry (growing/cultivating to mule work) is the only way to make decent money/live a

So leave.

And you don’t get selective empathy, bud. You have it or you don’t. The plight of these people is obvious and they are coming to America for refuge from violence in their home countries.

Poor, uneducated people who work damn hard at the jobs lazy, entitled, poor and ignorant Americans won’t do for the poverty wages we pay them.