You don’t think anyone skilled could possibly come from a brown nation, especially one south of the border.
You don’t think anyone skilled could possibly come from a brown nation, especially one south of the border.
What the fuck is your skill, exactly? Being an asshole on the Internet?
How the fuck do you know they are uneducated? How many of the asylum seekers have you talked to, personally? How many of them have you interviewed and discussed their personal educational statuses with?
Jesus, get some fucking empathy.
But not automatically is the point. Which I’m sure you get, but choose to ignore.
You sure did get me there with your mad punctuation skills. *yawn*
Helpful hint of the day:
The issue at hand is seeking asylum is a right. They have a right to come here and seek asylum. Period. They may not in the end be granted it, but it is a right to seek asylum.
so that quote on the statue of liberty should be removed? Ok noted.
Every single one of these people will buy food, and will be taxed for the purchases. They will buy goods, which will again place taxes in our coffers. They will work jobs that bigoted and over-privileged Kinja posters will airily disregard as “beneath them” and, while doing so, CONTINUE TO PAY TAXES.
Or we could, you know, just try to funnel some money into our education system
Where are your ancestors from....?
How about addressing the problem of not properly caring for our citizens and prospective immigrants rather than perpetrating misery-generating incompetence. That seems like a better plan.
You are free to have an opinion on the matter, but this is a decision that you are,by no means whatsoever, qualified to make.
Let me be clear. I wouldn’t care if this was a caravan from the whitest fucking country on the planet. We don’t need more people that have little skill or education here. We have enough of our own citizens that are poor and uneducated to deal with.
Alright dude. I think you’re likely trolling here. Your answer is literally “I don’t care if it makes things worse for everyone, they can suck it.”
The irony of withholding aid to foreign countries that have asylum seekers heading our way is that is only will create more individuals who will try to make it to the USA.
When they arrive at the border and go through the proper means, they are doing it legally. In some cases they are turned away but the act of applying isn’t illegal. This caravan is not illegal.
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here?