Mister Alighieri

Here’s a white woman so maybe you’ll listen to this.

withhold all American funds to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras,

I hope the Cherokee Nation burns him, like 5th degree burns him, for his continued use of Pocahontas in a negative manner.

There is a very big difference between an imbalance of power between two adults having sexual activity and an actual abuse of power.

We have ample bread and circuses.  The masses are outraged as a sport, not as a means to change things.  

Yeah I missed that, Poe’s Law and all.  Plus, there are more than a few who do think that revolution will save us. *facepalm*

honestly can’t you see when Trump loses the Midterms massively he’ll start trash talking, calling for men at arms, supporters and then America will descend into civil war?

hello, PizzaGate? Vegas Massacre? The guy who was JUST arrested this wkd with 200 lbs of explosives he claims he was going to use on election day?

Prove them wrong then. And who says Trump won’t start something to declare himself dictator?

Because I guarantee in a year, the WH will start rounding up liberals and there will no longer be any rights for LBGT or women.

I honestly don’t see a future for America that doesn’t involve mass graves within the next twenty years.

It feels good to be ‘horrified’, but would it actually get democrat’s to the polls?


But telling people in a crumbling, perilous industry to quit so they can live off bromides and “support” is worthless.

Different than all the similar articles Splinter has posted that have been debunked how, exactly? Get the fuck over yourself. This very website is just as bad.

It’s the question of do I feel okay working for an eviler corporation (since they’re all evil) or do I risk my comfort level to find a more morally correct opportunity?

You are a blogger. Not a journalist.

I’d rather beg on a corner than work for Fox News. And don’t give me that bullshit that family & kids ties peoples’ hands.

will be among the first up against the wall when the Revolution comes :)

Poor Hillary. She doesn’t understand that #MeToo and #TimesUp are arguing affirmatively to make imbalance of power between men and women be that Physical, Political, Chronological, Emotional, Financial, or Professional to be considered coercive rape. Unless tw0 consenting adults are equal across the board then women