Bond is an orphan. So no dice there.
Bond is an orphan. So no dice there.
So let’s be reactive. Turn the tables and ignore the men who surround us. Speak to and engage with only other women. At a coffee shop? Ask for a woman barista for your order and to make your coffee. At the big box store? Wait in the lane of a female cashier and refuse help otherwise. At work? Only take orders from…
So she got it wrong who assaulted her but nobody questions whether she got it wrong about Mark Judge being present also?
I’ll take the top 3, Alex.
How many jobs are a lifetime appointment?
But this wasn’t a prosecution, tough guy. This was a job interview.
Pretty much apples to fucking oranges don’t you think?
Ok, you don’t want a femaile James Bond. I kind of get it. But why not a spinoff female agent character? That could be a cool story and you wouldn’t have to name her James Bond or anything. It would make a ton of money too. So what do you have against making money?
Were you physically able to break his arm?
Having been ‘sexually assaulted’ by today’s standards by a drunk gay guy at a party, last year. I can say yes, we do understand consent. I removed his hand and I told him that if he touched my crotch again, I would break his arm. And I had every intention to do so should he have persisted. Now I could have been…
Who the effe cares? Swift is a decent singer who seems to be fading some...why should we care what she thinks about politics? We as a culture should probably stop taking our marching orders from the narcissists that we follow in TV and in the Media, and if not we should expect more Trump like candidates who use their…
Not really, the Abrahamic god has always picked favorites.
Oh really? Let’s see then.....
Liars.....thieves, pedophiles, rapists, bigots, misogynists, warmongers,
I know there isn’t a hell or a magic sky daddy watching over all this and judging us, but it’s times like this I wish there was.
my generation was the first one where it became likely that most of us would not be better off than our parents.
Perhaps it’d be better to focus less on the licking and more on giving your family a better life than you had?
When is the coup happening?
And while all this was going on, the House passed $3.8 TRILLION more in tax cuts.
HamNo, Where is the article on the Amazon ‘win’ on the fight for $15? You know the pyrrhic victory where Amazon gave all the warehouse workers a bump to $15, yet took away the actual assets and bonuses that they had as part of their compensation. I would figure that since Bernie is a hero to you and many on here,…