Mister Alighieri

Just remember that the tool you forge today will be the tool your enemy uses tomorrow. So by all means weaponize the autism of the internet if you like, but know that it will not always be in your favor.

Perhaps it would be fair to say is that no woman can understand what it’s like to be informed from a young age that you are vulnerable to sexual violence till you are 13 and then all the other kinds of violence for the rest of your life and to go about your life constantly seeing that threat around every corner.

Can we order one on amazon, yet?

I have no legal leg to stand on - as my lawyer said to me ‘being an equal opportunity harasser is not against the law’ - it’s only a hostile work environment if there’s discrimination. So this guy can keep doing this over and over and over. I finally had enough and have asked for a package to leave the company -

would you be happy about someone with an old rape conviction hanging around them every day, or a bit on edge?

Yeah it sucks to have to report a crime, present evidence and pursue real justice.

Your insults are #soclever.

Did you tell your parents that you stole their laptop just to create a dumbass burner account?

They know their lives and careers would be ruined and they would get death threats if they came forward.

She didn’t tell her parents, you dipshit.

*hands you more tinfoil*

Good point. If we want to find out what really happened, maybe we should have some sort of federal organization investigate this!



So all the kids abused by priests whose parents didn’t call the cops (whethertheir kid told them or not) are all lying, right? You’re making a big assumptionthat her parents even knew about this.

What he did wasn’t a crime, no reason to get police involved. What he did simply shows a lack of judgement and character, similar to his gambling problem and inability to tell the truth when under oath 100% of the time.

Clearly they or their loving parents would have reported it back then if this had really happened!


Of the 48 clerks who worked for Judge Kavanaugh over 12 years on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, 25 were women, said Katie Wellington, who worked for him in 2014, when all four clerks were women, including Usha Chilukuri Vance, who now clerks for Chief Justice John G. Roberts

“Why are you calling the FBI ma’am?”