RepublicansPolitical Parties tend to do something about these issues only when it works against them.
RepublicansPolitical Parties tend to do something about these issues only when it works against them.
It would help if we weren’t so vulnerable to 30-second bullshit ads, valued reading and research, etc...
I’ve owned and finished every AC game. AC3 was the worst slog of all. I couldn’t stand Conner, he made me root for Haythem. The plot was alright if thin but the mechanics were off and the voice acting was flat. I get that Ubi wants all the games to play on the latest console. I am glad that they are including it with…
A lot of fans of the books and games are passionate about their lore and world building, and dismantling it is disrespectful and disappointing.
Yes, and? At least she would have one less rape in her life.
Lifehack: If anybody ever asks to flirt with you, the answer is ALWAYS “Fuck off”.
But am I the only one who watched that whole video, and at multiple points yelled out “WHY are you still in that room???”
“This cultural evolution remains Riot’s first priority and we strongly agree that this change needs to start at the top and that everyone is held accountable. We will ensure that we have the right leaders in place to drive the change that we know Riot needs.”
Maybe you shouldn’t have fucked it up, then?
The problem with your scenario is that you still won’t leave the RealGirls alone. Sad.
So anyone who disagrees with what they think is a bullshit philosophy is just a troll?
Deadspin? Is that where they are getting their new typists from, the sports pages. *thinks for a minute* Yeah, it makes sense now. Most of the people that are ‘sports reporters’ are failed athletes, equipment managers or waterboys. So it makes perfect sense that if you give them a nice sounding title and a few more…
I suspect self-awareness is specifically selected against during what might be called interviews at Giz media. But it is especially interesting from HamNo considering his normal fare and his takedown of Obama earlier this year.
How many times must men be told this. DO NOT FLIRT WITH COLLEAGUES, COWORKERS, VENDORS EVER. Your dick and your paycheck are not friends. They hate each other. If you let your dick get in the way of your wallet, you lose your wallet and your dick still isn’t wet. If you want laid, go get a doll. They are cheaper than…
shekels? Really? That’s the big anti-semitic thing he said. Geez, just when you thought the writing around here couldn’t get much lazier. These new typists are making HamNo look like a pulitzer prize author, which is no small feat.
*punches up some numbers on his calculator*
It’s like pining after that cute girl at the coffee shop. The idea of who they could be will never live up to the reality of who they actually are.
I have no idea what the graphic on that shirt is supposed to represent. Is it even in favor of Democratic Socialism, or are they suggesting that they are crab people who will pluck the thornless, multicolored rose? Is it in favor of Democratic Socialism? I think that angers me even more.
In other words, voters are fickle children who will inevitably be upset with whoever is in charge; it is easier to criticize from outside than govern from within; and the only certainty is the media’s craving for conflict.