Mister Alighieri

That’s telling it like it is, though. They are deplorable trash. If they don’t like it then they can change. It’s not my fault they are the way they are. The world is moving forward no matter if they like it or not. It’s ride or die.

Oh, I see, Trump has to affirmatively confess to his white supremacy in order for it to be valid rather than relying on, you know, objective reality and his words and actions and personal history.

You keep making this binary choice, but of course it’s not: not all Trump voters are explicitly racist.

This is as reductionist and simplistic as saying “they’re all racist,” which no one has said.

If you vote for a white supremacist, I’m going to call you deplorable and a lot worse than that.

Hillary was wrong about one thing: Half of Trump’s voters aren’t deplorable. Every single one of them are.


She called half of his supporters “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic – Islamophobic;” as you say, words have meaning and those words do not include “liberal.” Certainly there are liberals who have some degree of these biases, however much less so than conservatives (based on recent history). She also said that

Right. ‘Cause working for free is a way to get the boss to promote you.

A) HRC called them “deplorables” for what they were explicitly endorsing, not for being insufficiently liberal.

The country is full of ignorant, poorly-informed, marginally racist and sexist voters who, unfortunately, Democrats need to persuade to some measure in order to break through. If that involves throwing up some weak-kneed “centrist” candidates to fool people into voting for their own interests, so be it.

if you unionized farmwork, such as harvesting, ‘americans’ STILL wouldn’t want to do it. can you picture the youth of today deigning to do such a job? this country, for all the current administration’s anti-intellectual bias, still has a strong belief that COLLEGE is the only way to go.

i don’t know. maybe because they do the work nobody else wants to do?

The manager was a bully to everyone, and I put him in his place. I performed a public service. One of my good friends still says thank you for making the asshole manager chill the fuck out.

If I worked for you, I’d probably put a bullet in my head.

So you admit you’re a dick?

“It’s really frustrating when they won’t even put their damn phone down when you are giving them their next task.”

This is such a pedantic argument. You can create laws that treat the populous to the same treatment. Equality can be achieved.