Mister Alighieri

You are not wrong in that assessment (that people can corrupt any system by being people). But my statement is the capitalism is designed to encourage human greed because it is structured using that as the power behind it. Socialist systems may very well fail when people fuck them up, but they are not designed with

It requires greed and corruption for its wheels to turn. How can capitalism motivate people to innovate, produce, do better, etc - and somehow be independent of human greed? Greed is the motivator there.

You are not wrong. I wish more people understood that the majority of people work out of their monkeysphere and that’s all they truly care about even if they are espousing rules for 325 million.

And, hey, asking someone with a terminal degree to work for subsistence wages because “it’s the right thing to do” is probably not going to work out well in the long run.


Yep it’s a musical. Which points out something about racism.....but never mind.

A. Prison stats don’t include jail populations, so you’re intentionally excluding the better part of the incarcerated population.

How about one? Two? Maybe 5%? Who knows? But at least we can look at the individual and say “We tried something, when doing nothing didn’t work.” and address it properly. I promise you there are plenty of individuals (Especially minorities) that have never had someone work with them to help them learn how to make

I believe the vast majority of murders in the US are related to other crimes (i.e. gang, drug, thefts, etc.) that can be tied to poverty. I don’t have the statistics to back that up though. I might be wrong.

No one fucking cares what you considered, your conclusions are dogshit and someday that guilty conscience is going to catch up with you.

No I have never been to jail. I have had family that are wards of the state. However the numbers according to a sympathetic source, say that close to half are there due to violent crimes.

What i wanna know what makes you think that all those prisoners are any worse than the guy that sits in the cubicle down the hall or the lady that you just saw walking out of the coffee shop?

Over 60% of all inmates in the United States are in for nonviolent crimes. By definition, the vast majority of prisoners in the United States are in for not serious crimes.

Yep, keep treating them that way and they’ll keep acting that way.

Well where do you think they got those attitudes? The people around them. So it’s easier to shape a 3 year old’s view of the world than a 23 year old but that doesn’t make it impossible. Mainly you have to make people believe that someone cares about them and that they can do good things for the people they care

You just completely ignored when I clearly stated the intent was for (particularly non-violent first-timers)

A huge percentage of America’s prison population are in for drug possession or other non-violent offences.

Not treating them like animals while they’re incarcerated is a good start.