Mister Alighieri

Yeah, we really need to do a better job of actually rehabilitating prisoners rather than treating them like animals for years and then wondering why they keep committing crimes after they’re released.

Honest question...why do you think the rest of us in the world to not lock up huge portions of their population and do not have the same recidivism rate?

All the more reason to make prison a place of rehabilitation so that they are accustomed to a professional, respectful life, like that we hope to have in the public sphere.

This is further proof we need to re-evaluate our penal system completely. If recidivism rate is that high, we aren’t doing our job as a society to help people when they get out or during their incarceration period.

Maybe, though, if we treat prison more like a rehabilitation center and give inmates (particularly non-violent first-timers) the tools necessary to grow and thrive, they won’t be so likely to commit crimes again?

Did you ever think that a system which dehumanizes them and makes little attempt at rehabilitation is the reason why they end up back in prison?

Outside of the occasional innocent that gets jailed, most of these prisoners are there for crimes that are their doing and will garner little sympathy or notice. Many people think we have enough problems to solve with those who manage to keep out of prison to spend much effort to make prisoners time easier to do.

It’s a pity line almost akin to playing the race card. My ethnographic group was oppressed so I should get special treatment for my shitty behavior.

The Power differential of men versus women probably had a hand in Argentoviewing this incident as consentual/the young man having more “ability” physically to leave the scene or being more emotionally prepared for/ “into” a sexual encounter. (Or she’s just a selfish asshole.)

Not that Rose is accused of assaulting anyone.

Why is that funny?

I can’t wait till they organize and make prostitution legal. lol

I know. Do they think revolution is going to mean “protest harder?” I mean, I’m all in favor of protesting and I think it is effective (among other things), but “the revolution” isn’t going to be Occupy Wall Street but BETTER.

There’s overt white supremacy, like nazi shit, and there’s creeping cultural white supremacy, which everyone in this shithole country is living.

yep, so buy men’s pants.  Then you can have all of our pockets and know the power of the patriarchy.  We keep that in our front pockets so it doesn’t get stolen.

That’s the average - imagine San Fran, New York, LA, Chicago etc and what a living wage has to be in those place and look at that average again. I make more (2 jobs, yes) than starting salaries for teachers here in Florida. That’s shameful.

He won every single white demographic running as a white supremacist. Why complicate it?

We’re probably sucking at where it’s allocated.

That’s why we have to vote for people who will fund education. (Among many other things - just not military parades for extreme fuckwads).