Mister Alighieri

a violent revolution will absolutely fuck us.

Ahh yes the ‘workers revolution’  it all sounds great until people realize that it takes work, real work.  And sometimes real violence, real death and real blood to make it come to fruition.  Who has time for that?

The biggest problem I have with the media at that time was they did not publicize how Trump has literally been nothing but a failure throughout his entire life. Every business, he ran into the ground. He owes billions to the US banks and they all banned him. They ignored every bankruptcy, every failure, even how he

I expect a big-ass backlash on par with electing Carter.

a mid-level MMA fighter would have him pooping his pants (again) in no time.

Family values are historically the building blocks of white supremacy

Uh, anybody have a clue what this is supposed to mean? I tried googling it in case it was a reference to a movie or something, but I didn’t find anything

1) cap drug costs. Government must be able to manufacture these formulations and do it for infinitely less cost. Make drugs like amoxicillin, albuterol, propranalol, metformin, insulin, and other drugs on the WHO “Essential Medications” list $1 for a 30-day supply. Make it illegal to raise prices on existing

Again: Why do you doubt that men over 30 can be attracted to women their own age?

The 50-year-old men don’t want to date women over about 35 or so.

Why is it so unbelievable to think that a man could find a woman his own damn age attractive?

Let’s cut the crap, men are not at their hottest at age 50. It is just that this study was based on how many messages you receive. And men receive few messages. The stats are probably skewed by the uber-wealthy men who get a ton of messages. Not every 50 year old man is like that at all.

Is this like... not normal?

<citation needed> because the latest examination on M4A is that it will take at least 32.6 trillion likely more over 10 years and even with the savings you suggest, forcing hospitals to take a 40% cut in rates, and doubling ALL what the government collects in individual and corporate income taxes, there still wouldn’t

We could have Medicare for All and fully subsidized Medicaid with one simple change to our existing system: take the money directly out of the income taxes. Once someone enters their gross yearly income and deductions, 2.5% of that amount is calculated. One simple question follows: “2.5% of your yearly income is $700

Medicaid is specifically for the destitute. They have a limit on how much you can own if you want to be on that program. This is all part of government care. If government foots the bill, they get to decide the stipulations for that care.

“Ew, ew, ew, what does SHE see in him?” Girl, you can do better than Dane Cook, good Lord.

It’s probably fun and a nice break from dating jaded, cynical older adults.

It’s not just an age disparity it’s a success and life experience disparity when these women are at an impressionable age.

Because GROOMING is a thing - and often these guys start when the now “adult” is still a child and then they just wait for the child to hit the legal age of consent to consummate things.