Mister Alighieri

Why are men so disgusting?

A lot of the relationships I’ve seen with a big age gap that started while the woman was still in college ended pretty badly for the guy. The girl grows up and they don’t. Unlike some of the comments here, the guys in *most* of these cases weren’t predatory — just immature.

There are only 11 states that the age of consent is 18, all of the rest it is 17 and below. Plus if a couple, with consent of her parents, marries none of that applies.

I just wonder why middle-aged men would be going after teenage girls in the first place. They’re at completely different life stages.

And those super groomed brows plus overbuilt upper body = every jackass dude I dated in college. He is so obviously attempting to compensate for some deep insecurity.*

, we would all have words. Short ones. Mostly with four letters.

Also when you’re in your late teens or early twenties, you don’t know who you really are, what you really like, what is okay and what isn’t. Also, at that age you don’t look at your much older boyfriend and wonder what is wrong with him that he still identifies with and gets along with teenagers as peers.

“I really don’t think it’s relevant for anyone anymore. But especially if you’re 60

a few people have wondered how this is legal. Adding cameras in your own home is legal.  Bathrooms and to a lesser extent bedrooms are the places where it can get murky.

Arrests of undocumented immigrants with no criminal record have tripled under the Trump administration

for what exactly?  

Just rest assured that for every man who tells you to stop or cover up, there are plenty that want you to keep right on doing it. lol

Update: No one noticed

All we needed were the Nazis.

They are only 1.4% of the population and they pay 6.1% of the taxes.  Kinda looks like they already do.

But thanks for being so open about your being ideologically stuck in cost-based pricing.

Those people will find other jobs. They’re not coal miners; they have skills that easily translate elsewhere, particularly in this country with its massive white collar workforce.

Lets compare ourselves to the rest of OECD countries.

From the link.

“we’re going to eliminate your insurance premiums and no more out-of-pocket payments, but we’re also going to be taking out 200% more from your paycheck, which will be in total less that is taken out of your paycheck now for taxes and premiums.”